Good News and Bad News on the Exercise Front

Mar 02, 2014 20:50

The Good: went for a run today and it was fine! No mysterious allergic reactions, kept running the whole "free running" parts of the training, even Walter was co-operative and focused, mostly. I think I'll be able to finish the Couch-to-5K training in time for my 5K! My plan is to run on all even numbered days.  I think I can still make it if I don't quite manage every one of those, but that's the goal.

The Bad: I don't think I'm going to put much effort into going to the gym. I like running outside better, I'm going to focus on that now and if I can get that down to a routine and add on the gym, I'll do that. There are only so many hours in a day and I have to spend some of them not doing anything!

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