Jul 06, 2011 19:11
Tomorrow I have an interview. And while I should be nervous, I'm not. I'm feeling more unsure than anything.
Unsure you may ask? I graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor's degree in Human Services. I was fresh out of school and so excited about the possibility of getting a job as a social worker or case worker of some sort working with foster kids and foster families. But not having worked in this field before and not having any experience of doing this type of work except for hearing about it from friends I know and working as a foster parent and Guardian ad Litem... I really have no real hands-on experience.
Do I think I could do the job of a social worker or case worker? Hell yeah. I have no fear there. My issue or may concern is that social workers in this state commonly have up to 16-20 cases at a time... with roughly 20-25 kids. THERE is where my concern comes in. I love working as a Guardian ad Litem. I love what they do. I like going to court and making sure that the needs and desires of these kids are being heard in court. I like the one-on-one contact with these kids and getting to know them. I like hearing about their stories. I like knowing - or hope - that some of the things I tell these kids sinks in. I want these kids to know they are not just another case to me rather an individual that I sincerely care about and want to see them succeed. I am afraid that by having so many cases, I will not be allowed to get to know these kids, get to know their stories, get to know how they are feeling and truly fight for what is in their best interests. I do not want to fall into stereotype of what social workers do - see their cases (kids) once a month because it's required, acting like I care simply to get the info I need to fill out my monthly paperwork and push them through the system so I can close out the case.
I fear that by being a case worker, I will have no choice but to go through the motions because it's the only way to get through the day and get my work done. With social work, it seems it's more about paperwork than the children and what's in their best interest.
I can continue to volunteer with the Guardian ad Litem program. I can take on more cases - both full cases as well as courtesy cases. I like the work, I even like filling out the reports I have to complete by the end of the month. But mostly, I like being able to spend time with these kids and getting to know them. I am being highly praised by my GAL supervisor as well as by the foster parents of my cases and others who read my monthly reports. I know I could ask any of these people to be references for me and they'd do it in a heartbeat. But if I am able to find a part-time or even full-time job as a case worker... then I can no longer volunteer as a GAL because it would be a conflict of interest.
Not knowing what other job opportunities or positions there are where I could work with smaller groups of cases so I could still continue to have a more personal connection with these kids... I don't know what my options are. And worse yet, I don't even know who to talk to to help me figure it out.