(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 15:30

"These past four years have been extremely trying. A nation once united after the tragedy of September 11, 2001 soon became even more divided than after the previous election. The topics of global issues like war and terrorism as well as national issues like the economy and civil rights have been hotly contested. No matter what side of the political spectrum you may be on, this country has not improved since Clinton left office.

The war on Iraq is one of the most controversial issues for this administration. On one hand, America has liberated the people of Iraq from the cruel dictator Saddam Hussein and are trying to uncover weapon of mass destruction that could be used for terror. On the other, the 9/11 report has stated that there was no link between Saddam's Iraq and the WTC attacks. While Saddam was an evil ruler and did torture his own people, mostly those of a different religion, he posed no real threat to the USA or any other part of the world. There were no weapons of mass destruction. There is no link between Hussein and Bin Laden, in fact, the two hated each other. The President and his administration squandered the goodwill of the entire world and the unmatched unity that was shown to America after 9/11. He rushed into a war without a way out. He allowed Osama Bin Laden, the real person behind 9/11 to escape daying that he was, "Not really worried about him(bin Laden)." Bush also ignored North Korea's nuclear capabilities, something the Clinton Administration had limited. in 2000, North Korea had an estimated 1 nuclear weapon, in 2004, North Korea has seven. In Iraq, over 1000 servicemen and women have lost their lives after Bush prematurely said "Mission Accomplished." Over 1000 sons and daughters lost. Hundred of children will grow up without knowing the touch of a father. And Bush neglects these deaths calling them sacrifices. And for what? So that his buddies in Halliburton can claim billions of dollars in exclusive government no-bid contracts for overpriced toilet seats? Yes Kerry voted for $87 billion before he voted no, but that was because he realized that a large part of that money would be mispent and only a fraction would go to providing equiptment for our troops. Even if you were for or against the war, George W. Bush is not the man to lead.

In 2000, Clinton left office with a 500 billion dollar a year surplus. Immediately upon entering office, Bush started giving out tax cuts. Great, free money. Wrong. While you or your family may have gotten a couple hundred dollars, the main benefitors of the tax cuts have been the elite, the millionaires and billionaires of this country. George Bush claims to be pro-small business and middle class when in fact this couldnt be farther from the truth. His elimination of the Estate Tax and "Double Taxation" saves middle America pennies, while his cronies keep millions in their already bloated pockets. George Bush's Administration has put up a smokescreen to veil their efforts to keep the rich rich and the poor poorer. Bush has actually costed America more money than he has saved it. He has not vetoed a single spending bill, and has turned our record surplus into a 600 billion dollar annual deficit, a turnaround of a trillion dollars in just one term.

Some people may blame the crash of the dot com industry on the slumping economy and defend Bush's tax cuts saying that they really did stimulate the economy. Consider this: If you throw money at any country in the world, the economy will benefit. However, Bush should have given that money to the middle class, who would have spent it rather than the elite who put it into bonds and special no-tax shelters in the bahamas, a loophole that middle America cannot exploit. John Kerry wants to increase taxes on the super rich and decrease them on everyone else. What's wrong with this? Nothing. A billionaire is taxed a couple million dollars, they still have a billion left. John Kerry cares about the people, and not just his campaign supporters.

One of this countries founding principles are our Constitutional Rights. In the wake of the terrorist attacks, Bush and Co. have passed the Patriot Act and have deeply hindered our rights as Americans. The government is now able to tap your phones, read your e-mails and basically know everything about you, and it's all legal thanks to Bush. I value the right to be able to say whatever i want about someone within reason. I value my right to free speech. Bush has censored his own cabinet and generals. Whenever someone speaks out against him, they are censored and fired. Bush's Finance advisor, Paul O Neil called his tax cuts immoral and soon forced to quit. Generals who said the mission in Iraq qas far from over were discharged. Bush has encroached our freedoms enough. It is time to take them back. Gay marriage is another controversial issue. Bush wants to amend the constitution to take away a right. They did that once before, the Prohibition of the early 1900's. Who's decision is it if two people of the same sex can get married and enjoy the perks of being an American like everyone else? It's nobodys but the 2 consenting people who are getting married. Just because they are not attracted to the opposite sex does not make them any less deserving of rights than anyone else. The great thing about this country is that it allows a freedom of religion. Everyone has the right to their own religion and should not be subjected to the views of a few religious people who will not be affected in the least if two guys decide to marry and raise an adopted child. I'm sure the child wouldnt mind being incorporated into a healthy and loving family so stop being so selfish. People are born gay, you dont learn it. It's all about hormones and genetics, you can't go to a Community College and take a course to be gay. Look at Dick Cheney's daughter. Conservative blowhard spawned an openly gay daughter.

I strongly believe that no matter where you stand on the issues, George W. Bush has not succeeded. He is a complete failure. Osama bin Ladens new tape has blamed the Bush administration for the continued terror in the world (http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/11/01/binladen.tape/index.html). Bush's globalization and arrogance are pissing off more and more countries. Even if we manage to kill Bin Laden, he has become an icon of radical Muslims. He is now a state of mind. Everytime an innocent's blood is spilt, every time a smart bomb blows up a holy site, more and more bin ladens will be born. Terror is only destroyed by taking away the reason for terror. The entire world will look to America tomorrow. Hoping, praying we make the right choice. Every country in the world wants Kerry to win except North Korea and half of the US. The next four years are crucial. Several Supreme Court Justices will retire and new ones will need to be appointed. Do we want more uber conservative people like Scalia, or do we want a Justice who upholds the Constitution. Please folks, vote for John Kerry. He is the right choice."

I strongly agree with my friend kynthegame, That was very well written.

If you don't want to vote Kerry.. write in:

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