*shivers* I live in a frozen wastland. Glaciers roam the once firtile fields of the miniscule province I inhabit. 10 000 years from now they will find potatos frozen in the ice and ask "How can a potato have been frozen unaware like that
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1)I want you to sit in on one or more of my Spanish classes (assuming our March Breaks aren't at the same time)
2)You like dancing and there are great bars here (or at least /I/ don't find them bad)
3)I want you to come hang out with the group of people I am currently hanging around with....so much fun *drools*
Is Chel in San Fran?
I am not sure if I like people paying for me...
As for who else..don't particularly care...James if you could.
Chels is here but wants to get ahold of Menara.
I don't care what you say about money.
E-mail Chels about you coming over though because I think she's going to be home that weekend for an appointment and she may need a ride back, depending of course upon when you leave.
I'm so excited about you coming. So is Chels actually. We want to take you dancing so badly.
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