
Jan 08, 2006 19:58

whooaa. i havent been on here for months and when i come back, i see a million things that i didnt even know existed! i feel like the entire back to the future thing...? its kicking me in the butt.

i went to coffee house yesterday at school
and it was so bad.

but i saw mark hunter and jordan mang and decided that i like them a lot and if they choose not to hang out with me? there is kung fu that will be involved. shortly following their decision... ummm. i hung out with jp. and i liked it a lot :))) and alicia was there too. i left after evan played because some heinous band was playing afterwards... there was leather included in their performance, that is just unacceptable. jk. i dont even care. but i went to applebees with people. and on the way out from the parking lot me and jp dated while we walked to my car. pretty much the best 2 minutes of my life. im going to miss him when he leaves for college :/ not a happy camper.

i have a million things to do for yearbook. fuck you graphic design. fuck you editor in chief... aka me. so i have to edit everyones pages that have already been submitted. that is like all fall sports plus class sections. then by january 27th i have five separate pages due just for myself. plus i have to help everyone else make their pages because apparently there is something difficult with not making things look ugly. umm. then i get to make about 5 different templates. and then i get to do academic templates and club templates. that is my entire yearbook schedule for the next three weeks. read it and die.

there is way more going into yearbook than people realize. so it sucks when they get them and just complain at how shitty it is. because i have spent so much time on it. you dont even know...

i never want to EVER make a career out of this.

myspace calls.
it is evil
if you have one
add me
thats me <3

remember when we were little kids in elementary school, and theyd teach us about the continents drifint from eachother? pangea? i miss that.

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