Jul 14, 2008 21:37
Sometimes Love Comes From Unexpected Places
Sometimes Love Comes From Unexpected Places
Chapter 2
It had been two months since Clark had joined Lexcorp, and Lex was quite impressed with the young man. Clark completed his errands with surprising speed and, though a little clumsy, he displayed accuracy in his tasks.
He seemed to have already gained appreciation from most his colleagues, especially Laura. Gabe Sullivan had heard of Smallville’s the one Clark Kent from his daughter many times and expressed his approval openly to Lex one evening.
Clark had become popular in a very short time. Even Lex had grown to like him. What struck him most was that Clark was eager to learn and was well informed of the current happenings. He even gave some intelligent views and interesting opinions.
He was kind and genuine. He was good to Lucy and Lena and offered candies every time he ran into them, even unexpectedly.
Lex figured this was as well, considering Clark himself seemed to harbor a big sweet-tooth and a huge appetite for greasy things. Lex wondered how Clark maintained such a perfect physique. Not that Clark displayed it in public. Infact he wore loose outfits as if deliberately trying to hide it.
But Lex knew better. He was sure Clark had an amazing body to go with that innocent face of his.
Lex had checked into his background and found that Clark almost never had a girlfriend or boyfriend, for that matter. It surprised him how blind the youth in Smallville could be, how none of them showed any interest in such a beautiful person.
Clark was sweet and sexy in his own way….Lex smiled and shook his head at the last thought…God! What was he thinking…Sexy? Well, Clark was indeed his employee…but there was something different about him. Lex could feel it…he was…..special.
It was getting late. Lex figured that since he was not getting any work done, lost in thought about his brand new personal assistant, he might as well go home and spend some time with his cute little princesses.
It was almost three months since they had come to Metropolis, when Martha found Clark sitting deep in thought on the couch in the living room of their small two-bedroom apartment.
It was almost 3:00 am and the room was dark, except for the thin rays of moonlight streaming in through the window.
“Clark?”, she said, her voice deep with concern.
Clark jerked upright, “Sorry Mom, did I wake you?”
“No dear.”
Martha sat herself on the opposite end of the couch and waited for ….something that didn’t come. Minutes passed and when silence became unbearable, Martha asked, “Is everything alright, Clark.”
Clark swallowed and forced a smile, “Yes, Mom. Everything’s great.”
“You are doing well Clark..”
“Ya, Mom…job is great. Lex is…bossy but hes good to me. Laura is such a sweetheart…and Lex’s daughters are cute darlings. Most importantly, its well paid..I mean with my qualifications…”, he trailed away.
“I am proud of you, Clark.”
“Thanx, Mom.”
“So, whats wrong?”
Martha’s direct approach surprised Clark and he fumbled, “Whats…uhh..nothin..I mean..”.
Then he took a deep breath, smiled…he could never hide anything from his Mom.
“You know you can tell me anything, Clark.”, Martha prompted.
After a long pause Clark said in a voice barely audible, “I am hearing voices, Mom, cries for help. People who are in trouble and need help. Screams of people on gun-point, robberies, women who are being chased by sexual predators and other bastards. Construction worker who took one wrong step and is hanging off the railing of a 27 floor building. Old man who collapses on the street due to heart-attack. Shouts from a house on fire. Small kid at the beach…”
“Clark, Stop!”
As Clark recounted all the voices he was hearing his tone had grown louder and passionate, filled with desperate determination.
Martha didn’t want to know what trouble was the small kid in…she just couldn’t bear to hear it. Now, she understood what her baby was going through…to be able to hear such screams 24/7 and not being able to stop them…
“I cant, Mom. They are everywhere, all the time. And…I don’t know what to do…I can help them, Mom. I feel so guilty. I have all these powers and I am hiding here in this dingy apartment like a coward…just because I am afraid of everyone knowing who I am!”
He sounded so hurt and vulnerable…almost helpless.
“Clark, honey, you know very well why you cant go flying around saving people in Metropolis. Its extremely dangerous, baby.”
“I know Mom.”
As if a sudden thought had come to his mind, Clark said excitedly, “You know I had gone to meet Chloe in Gotham and I saw Batman. I was thinking, Mom, if I could put on a similar disguise…I can help, right?”
Martha was not so keen on this. She wanted her baby to be safe. But she also knew this was something Clark needed, so she said, “Yes Clark, we will figure something out.”
When Clark grinned hopefully she took on the stern role and said, “But promise Clark, until we do you are not going to do anything stupid and rash. Do you understand me? Promise me Clark, you will be extremely discreet and careful?”
“I promise, Mom”
“Now, go and try to get some sleep. You have a long day ahead.”
Clark stood up cheered up, kissed Martha on the cheek, “Love you, Mom”
It was only when door to Clark’s room closed that Martha replied, slowly, “Love you too, sweetie.”
Martha knew she was going to have many restless nights from here on.