In reading one of my usual daily comics (GU:, I realised that for Thrax and I, our most common impulse purchase seems to be in that plastic case size for DvDs and games. We do have more unopened DvDs stacked about than games, but....
Last year we bought a DvD cabinet that holds nearly 200 DvDs. It was overfull before we got it even with some (those formerly mine only) in DvD binders and more in cabinet cubbies on the entertainment centre and with nearly all the CDs being stuffed into a mega binder. We've looked at other storage solutions, but have decided we can't expand to them until we move to a larger place in Spring (timing for the lease expiry).
When we go shopping -anywhere- and they have DvDs, we both have to stop and look and ponder if we have thus and so or want this and that. The pondering if we already have does bother both of us, but the collection is a tad so the task of cataloguing would be daunting.
I took several of my unopen ones into the bedroom with the computer rigged up there, intending to watch them as I convelese. Anticipating the worst, I figured I might be confined to bed longer than I have been.
Speaking of recovery, I've been very dizzy since Monday evening, so I called my doc yesterday. He wants to check my blood count and presumes it's anemia. I had thought it might be that or the painkiller. I was dizzy with or without the painkiller, so I am back to taking it sporatically. My pain level without it is on the edge of tolerable but it helps reduce the itching of the incision sites *laugh*. Hmm... dizzier in the morning before I've had anything to eat.. yeah.. pretty sure it's just anemia but to be sure is important. Yes, I am, now, taking a multivitamin with iron (the prescribed one last month).