Apr 04, 2007 09:34
We got an apartment! Brook and I got an apartment and we are going to move in on May 4th. It's over at Ashbrook Pointe off Highpoint rd. and Holden. It's amazing. I'm so excited for us to move in together. It's going to be amazing.
I signed up for my classes this morning at 12:01 am, as I'm sure that the rest of you did that had this sign up date. here's my schedy:
Costume Design: MWF 10-1050
Spanish 101: MWF 11-1150
Intro to Earth Science: MW 2-315
SpTp-Feminism and Race: TR 930-1015
Costume Practicum (192): whenever
Intro to Feminist Theories: T 3-6
That last class is going to suck. Brook and I have our Tuesday Thursday classes together. That's nice. Our schedules are together as well. Which is nice.
We are going to get a puppy. It's going to be precious. Yesterday we saw a basset hound chow mix at guildford animal shelter named chubbs. it had 3 legs. it was precious!
I love you