the day andrea died was the best day of my life

Mar 19, 2014 07:22

I don't know why i still watch the walking dead.
at this point it's just all about rooting for people to die.
but they won't
and when they do, it's like they're a starfish. another very annoying person just takes their place.
right now, it's carl.
i want him to die so badly.
oh and the other girl, the girl who's going to hook up with daryl. maggie's sister.
really casting people a?ll the actors in the world and you choose someone who can't act to save her life?
go to any high school production of Grease and you'll find a better actress.

i can't stop watching it though. why? WHY????

knives can't slice through skulls like butter! no one is that good a shot that they can hit a moving target straight in the forehead EVERY SINGLE TIME! You can't eat five year old pudding and canned cheese without getting sick!

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