my awesome buddy dave posted this pic at his journal:
about the mysterious light show over norway... i hadn't heard about it which means i haven't been watching the news like i should have. shame on me for dwelling on a boob button when there are mysterious lights showing up in the skies of norway.
anyway doesn't it look fake? i thought so and if you watch the video footage of it, it doesn't look this spectacular but i think i figured it out, this must be a time lapsed photo right? it is isn't it? i figured it out!!! eh? see there? that photoshop book reading is paying off already!!!
i've rethought the cats name, from now on he will be known as "samsonite el gato" - just adds an extra little flare don'tchyathink? makes him sound like a mexican wrestler but i can see him wearing the spandex and a mask so it suits him.
oh and i also had to go buy him a covered litter box because he started getting in to the habit of flinging half the litter out of the box when he'd do the whole covering his mess up thing....which means every once in a while he'd fling poop out of the litter box as well. not cool.
me and eddy were walking back to the car in the parking lot of the mall yesterday and this older strange woman passed us by... she kept staring at us as she passed, then when she was about 10 feet behind us, she said "putas". hahahahaha. called us whores. i have no idea why. i'm guessing she's just crazy... but when she said it, she turned and started walking away faster so she must not be THAT crazy.