yah. that's about how i feel right now. just bored out of my mind and not able to write because the kids wont be quiet enough for me to concentrate.
i do have a small confession to make....
part of the reason i didnt get the last chapter posted was because i got caught up in playing Zelda: Twilight Princess. *hangs head* yes i know.... bad bad chi. But!!! I did kick Ganondorf's ass!!!! Yup! I beat the bastard! Actually, i was a little disappointed. It was almost too easy. The only part I really had a hard time with was when i was in the twilight relm and I had to get those glowing balls back to the front of the building. those damn hands kept kicking my ass!!! LOL
so... i'm sorry for making you wait while i played nintendo.
oh! Also... my "puppy" ... well my hubby's puppy... is now 7 months old and I don't think I can straddle her back anymore. btw, i'm almost 5'10. So... yah, she's a monster. and sooooooo sweet. Maybe I'll post a pic of here on her later. I have a cute one with her playing with a 2 year old Great Dane and my little Tibby. LOL we had to keep the tree decorations to a minimum this year because her tail keeps knocking them all off when she walks by.
I think i'll go see if
devlinnreiko is online and send her my latest chapter for review. I can't wait for you guys to read it. It's THE chapter i've been waiting to post all this time. No tissues needed, but you'll need to be sitting down. Bonus points (early read) to anyone who can guess what is going to happen.
lots of love to you guys!!!