Jan 06, 2005 22:50
This post is to let everyone in this community know that I'm back. I have been for about for a little while, actually, and thought I'd be back sooner than that, but I've been avoiding checking this community, getting my bearings and allowing myself to play with on-line. It's nice to have it back.
I wanted to say thank you to all those who kept his community going in my absence. It's wonderful to see such dedication to a fandom that should, according to some, be dead by now.
For the moment, I'm going to ask that recs stop while I figure out what to do here. Whether or not a new team should be selected yet, or whether the people who have been offering recs should continue. I'll go through the past posts, as many as I can in the next few days, and see if I can organize them in the memories.
Any thoughts/suggestions/comments/accusations you wish to hurl at me will be welcome. I'm just grateful things have slowed down, that I once more have internet, and that I can return to enjoying the give and take of fandom.
*hugs you all*