Title: Glass Fish
Author: Spyke Raven
Email: spyke_raven@gatefiction.com
Rating: Mild R
Pairing: Jim/Blair pre-slash
Summary: Of details and glass fish and looking into the heart of things. Jim gets Blair a present.
Direct Link:
http://spykeraven.gatefiction.com/glassfish.htmlAuthor's Page:
http://spykeraven.gatefiction.com/frameset.html Reasons for Recommending: When a writer tells a story involving Jim's senses, they usually focus on sex. Spyke has a real talent for showing Jim's sensory experience under everyday circumstances and showing just how wonderful enhanced senses can be. And how awful. Some experiences are a little of both. Out of all her stories, I chose this one because of the vivid way she explores Jim's visual experience, how it really is possible to see too much with his eyes and not enough with his heart.
"Jim, Anton Chrysler had a form of hyper-acute vision that allowed him to see right into the heart of certain structures, mainly the brittle, translucent crystals. He called it 'looking into the soul of glass'."
"I've heard that."
"Right..." Blair took off his glasses and rubbed them against his sleeve before replacing them. "I didn't think of it before, call me an idiot. Your sight's been zooming deep and out again, right? You're seeing molecular, right?"
Jim shrugged. "That's what I was trying to confirm."
"Ah. Ah, shit. Shit, I'm sorry. Okay." Blair paused. "Look, you can't let yourself do that... not for too long, okay? Look at what happened to Chrysler. The man went blind."
"Sandburg, you should know the meaning of circumstantial evidence as well as I do."
"I'll be careful."
"You better." The grin was back on Blair's face, "And this just reinforces my conviction that you're not to be left alone for a minute. No, no, no, I'm not letting you out of my sight, man. Come on, beer and other masculine bonding rituals await."
This is marvelous; Spyke was the first TS writer I found, before I'd even heard of the show. Coming across the senses cold, as it were, made this story a nearly hallucinogenic experience....
- Tesserae