Title: Penitence Series
Author: Mrs. Hamill
Email: thamill@coxx.rr.com
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jim/Blair pre-slash?
Summary: A series in which Jim's head is shrunk
Direct Link:
RemorseDevotion ContritionPenanceAbsolutionRedemptionSalvationAuthor's Page:
http://www.squidge.org/~foxsden/kitchen/terrisindex.html Reason for Recommending: I like this story for the emotional impact. The series works on two levels for me, the first with Jim working through his problems, digging up truths that he'd kept hidden even from himself, learning how to talk about his problems to Blair etc. The second is seeing Blair through Jim's eyes. Jim describes a dream in the first story that is fairly graphic, but keep going, the rest of the stories are not so angsty.
What? Tell him? About the dream? Are you nuts? I -- I can't do that.
So what if I should. I can't.
He destroyed his life for me. Least I can do is destroy my life for him.
And no, I don't give a rat's ass how bad that sounds. Fuck it. I have to leave.