Title Of Story: The Memo
Author(s): Rimilod
Author E-mail: rimilod@aol.com
Author LJ/Site:
http://www.skeeter63.org/~wolfpupsden/rimilod.shtmlStory Rating: (G)
Summary: A cliche gets a new twist.
Direct Link (to the story):
http://www.skeeter63.org/~wolfpupsden/fanfiction1/thememo.html Reason For Recommending -- This is a tiny little story, but one of my favorite gen fics. To say anything would really give it away, but the snappy patter is just perfect.
"What do you mean, no?"
Title Of Story: Phantom Pain
Author(s): April Valentine
Author E-mail: inpersonpress@mindspring.com
Author LJ/Site:
http://inpersonpress.home.mindspring.com/Story Rating (NC-17)
Pairing(s): J/B
Summary: Blair loses something precious, and Jim loses Blair.
Direct Link (to the story):
http://www.squidge.org/archive/archive/7/phantompain.html Reason For Recommending -- April Valentine is a really fabulous author, and I think her World AIDS Day story is in a class by itself, but there's something about seeing people rebuild their lives in the wake of a really transformative disaster. I really like her Jim and Blair, and she gets a lot of great mileage out of Joel, too. The story has two sequels,
http://www.squidge.org/archive/archive/7/phantompain3.html and
But when the truck started rolling, I didn't see my life pass before my eyes. I saw Jim's face instead. He looked so strong sitting there, trying to recover control over the truck, but his face had gone white. His arm snaked out, grabbing me, trying to protect me... he always did try to do that... and the thought flashed through my head that this time, he couldn't.
This time, it wasn't going to work. This time, Jim was going to fail me.