Today!! Today was a very exciting day. I woke up refreshed and happy from lots of sleep. :D Adrienne (my roommate) and I decided to go eat lunch and attend the Scarecrow Festival! We ate with Rob and Tim and Matt, so it was a lot of fun. Then when we were walking back home with Rob, an old lady stopped him and told him he looked just like a tree! I felt bad...Rob has really pretty hair, and he doesn't look like a tree at all. ._.
Before we left for the park where the festival was taking place, I talked to Jean-Marc-san, who decided that he would go with us! I took lots of pictures:
1) Katherine really liked this alpaca! It was so cute! A mini-llama! We pet it a lot.
2) This is my roommate, Adrienne. I made her pet the alpaca, too!
3) We decided to take another picture of Adrienne with the alpaca!
4) Jean-Marc-san didn't want to take a picture with the alpaca, but we made him anyway!
5) While we were there, we encountered a scarecrow of Vampyre Abraham Lincoln! Oh, no! It was quite scary, indeed.
6) Jean-Marc-san is actually deathly afraid of clowns! (Adrienne is, too, apparently.)
7) For this sort of field trip, a group picture is a must!
After we were done at the fair, we went home and relaxed for a bit. We sat in Jean-Marc-san's room and played with his yoga ball. I am surprised that he is athletic, because he has such a quiet personality. He could run a mile in 5 and a half minutes! He had a lot of weights and barbells and that sort of thing. His closet was sort of sad, because all of his clothes are monochromatic. It was interesting being in a man's room!
I did laundry!
Then, Adrienne and I went to the store. They sold such cuuuuute underwear there, so I had to buy some! It was god-awful expensive underwear, but it was so cute. I would take pictures to show everyone, but a girl's underwear is a very private thing. (Too bad :D)
This evening Adrienne and I decided to go to the Sigma Nu party. Parties are scary! ._. People at parties are scary! Katherine doesn't like parties. However, Rob was there! It made things better and I wasn't so nervous because I had friends. Unfortunately, Adrienne decided to drink alcohol! She said, "Katherine, pretty soon, I won't be able to take care of you anymore. Will you be Ok?" And I said, "Yes, of course!" Then she looked at Rob and said, "If anything--ANYTHING--happens to her, your balls are mine." Rob looked very sad after that, but he made sure that no one hurt me. :D
Finally, I came home. I need to sleep because I'll be working all day tomorrow!