
Nov 17, 2005 18:34


They call you sticky fingers for a reason!
What Kind of Candy Are You?

Okay...THIS was funny

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How tall is dacileva? not tall enough
2) Would chriswaffle and catarzyna look good together? Dunno....she's not much for waffles
3) What would you do if dacileva died? Ask if his Alternity books are still available
4) What is flutterby68's favorite food? NO COMMENT
5) Would you ever date flutterby68? Sure
6) Could you see lukeski and catarzyna together? Nah, Luke's crazy
7) Where was lukeski born? The US....its a big country
8) What is flutterby68 allergic to? Morons
9) devospice's eye color? Dunno, never met him
10) If dacileva was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? The Great Cheese Monster of Nerghul
11) Where did you first meet wormquartet? Dat crazy #Dementia
12) What exotic animal would catarzyna like as a pet? a big kitty
13) What animal does princessofcandl remind you of? A cat named Sheba
14) What do you disagree with devospice about? People aren't stupid, they are MORONS
15) What mental disorder does dacileva remind you of? Do I have to pick just one?
16) How long would chriswaffle dating pixelene last? Longer then Luke would like :D
17) Does chriswaffle have a crush on pixelene? Probably ;)
18) If tomreedtoon and princessofcandl were spliced together, what would it be like? Are you TRYING to give me nightmares?
19) How would flutterby68 kill catarzyna? club with a nail in it
20) How long have you known dacileva? Damn.....longer then T
21) Is madmanotl athletic? Maybe when his knee gets better
22) If lukeski had a superpower, what would it be? You mean he doesn't have one already?
23) Does pixelene travel a lot? Yup
24) Are lukeski and pixelene married? Not yet ;)
25) One quality you find attractive in pixelene? She is teh r0xx0rs!
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