The Failure of Feminism

Aug 25, 2013 15:59

I'm going to preface this entire rant with a single thought for you to dwell on: I AM 100% FOR EQUAL RIGHTS & OPPORTUNITIES TO ALL. No cutting of rights or opportunities to any group based on gender, race, religion or wealth. With that in mind, here's a rant. This is based off of a rant I did months ago on deviantArt, but before I realized just how true it is.

The truth is, feminism has failed, and will continue to fail. Not for reasons that many would have you believe, and not because of men. Feminism has failed due to it's very nature. Feminism has failed and will fail because it is, at it's very core, sexist. And before the screaming of horror and oppression and the righteous fury begins, allow me to explain.

Okay, let's be brutally honest here: Sexism still exists and is rampant in the civilized western world. But it's not always what most people would think. A lot of people think that it is against women, that they are still being treated unfairly. And while that is true in some situations, the pendulum has also swung back and now men are being treated with sexism. And now, here comes the wrath of the feminists who either are yelling that it is deserved or that I am not in my right mind or trying to put women down. And to them I say, sit down, close your mouths, and open your ears and hearts.

To those who say that it is "about time" that men got treated with sexism or that it is "deserved" I think you need a lesson in humanity, because yours is severely lacking. NO ONE deserves to be treated with sexism, be they male or female. I know your mothers and grandmothers and so on were discriminated against according to everything you were taught by feminism, but know what? The current generation of men isn't responsible for that, and as such, should not be treated to abuse because of it. If you want to use that "the children shall pay for the sins of the parents" crap, then congrats ladies, you are responsible for human's expulsion from paradise according to the Bible. Have you paid for that yet by getting us back in? Nope, didn't think so. So let's take the argument of "it's the men's turn" and throw it out the window. It is NO ONE'S turn, and it never should be ANYONE'S turn to be the victim of sexual discrimination.

In the workplace, which is where most women think there is inequality, we have a few examples of men getting the shaft. Pretty much any nursing job, be it a registered nurse, a home health nurse, or the like, you will rarely find men making as much as women. Many women will complain about the 71 cents for every dollar a man earns line, like it is something we haven't heard before. But that entire claim is not true. It actually never was. The 71 cents claim was based on AVERAGE wage of all men versus average wage of all women. So let's look at that. On average, women work fewer hours less then men in a week. Women don't take the high paying hazardous and strenuous jobs in forestry, mining, oil, & labour that men do. Women will generally retire earlier and take more days off for sick leave or taking care of the family. So with all that, is it any wonder women are making on average less? If you work less, you get paid less. If you do less, you get paid less. And if you aren't willing to risk life, limb and health, then you don't get extra. When you take similar jobs, with similar hours worked you actually find women are equal, if not ahead of men in wage. So congrats ladies, you achieved equality and then some in pay. Now if you want that average wage up on your side, start working the same jobs and hours men do, instead of letting the men risk their lives for you.

Next we have the big one, courts. This is where women seem to have all the power. A woman can accuse a man of rape or sexual harassment, and true or not, the man's reputation is pretty much stained for good. No proof is often needed, as the woman's word, especially if she gives a sobbing recount of a story, is taken as fact. It has become guilty until proven innocent. Now, I am not defending actual rapists. Those guys need to be castrated in my opinion, but those who are innocent or the victim or a woman's anger, they get destroyed. Of course, if a women is accused of raping a man, the man is treated like he is some kind of weakling, and a worthless man, or that he is outright lying. In fact, according to the legal definition of rape, it is technically IMPOSSIBLE for a woman to rape a man. Think on that, the LEGAL DEFINITION says it CANNOT HAPPEN. It doesn't matter if it is true, and if it was witnessed by dozens of people, it couldn't be true that a man is raped by a woman, could it. The irony is, because of this attitude, we have no idea on actual numbers of males being raped. After all, what man would risk scorn by admitting it? However, the DOJ came up with some number regarding sexual assault. If you look at who the victims of sexual assault are, MEN AND BOYS are the most likely victims. And yet we spend millions of dollars on campaigns telling men not to rape. But it's okay to ignore them BEING raped. Then we can look at child custody. In most places, WOMEN have the default custody, and in some the law even is skewed AGAINST men ever getting custody. Even if the woman is unfit as a parent, is usually high on crack and can't even dress herself, she is more likely to get custody than a man, and in some areas, can get it just for asking. Then there's actually criminal activity. Women are more likely to be acquitted of jail time for a similar crime as a man, and receive on average, 60% less jail time when they do get it. What kind of justice is that?

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Of the 15 leading causes of death according to the CDC, men are the leading victims in 12, tie in 2 and are only behind in 1. Let's just look at the top 10 though. This is telling itself. Heart Disease, Malignant Neoplasms, Respiratory Disease, Cerebrovascular, Accidents, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Nephitis, Influenza & Pneumonia, and finally, Suicide. And when you look at other facts in this, it becomes even more terrifying. Men are 76% of homicide victims, 80% of suicide victims, 93% of victims of industrial deaths and accidents, 97% of deaths in the military, and despite what many would tell you, men are at least 50% of the victims of domestic violence. Let's look at domestic violence a little closer. So, half the time there is violence, the men are victims, half the times, women. But that is both reciprocal (both hitting each other) and non-reciprocal. The CDC reports that in cases of non-reciprocal intimate partner violence (one directional) that women are more than twice as likely to be the aggressor. The report cites that women comprise 70% of perpetrators, men 29%. So, who needs to be educated not to beat their spouse? Well, according to the narrative, men need the education, even though it's women doing the deed more often then not. And who gets the abuse shelters? Why, women of course. We need to protect them from those ever abusive men they are hitting.

Now, I will take a brief moment to again re-iterate. I AM 100% FOR EQUAL RIGHTS & OPPORTUNITIES TO ALL. That also means that while I am NOT condoning domestic violence, or those that perpetuate it, I am APPALLED that people are so willing to believe a man is beating his wife, when stats show, it is more likely the other way around. Even the police, with their primary aggressor policy, carry that line. When there is a domestic disturbance, and they are unable to determine who the one who started it was, they ARREST THE MAN. How is that even FAIR?! And please don't even give me any crap about men are stronger and such. If you want to be treated to equal rights, then expect it to come with a dose of equal responsibility for your own actions.

But then comes another area of sexism, one that is actually rather disturbing. For a long time, women have sex toys as their own form of libration. For whatever reason they use the toy, be it to replace the 'need' to have a man, or to just enjoy themselves in private, the use and discussion of these items has become less underground. You can find ratings and discussion of these toys in mainstream media such as the pages of magazines such as Vogue or Cosmopolitan. This is normal, this is natural, and it is healthy. It is a good thing, and I for one am happy that women feel comfortable and empowered enough to do it. But what about male sex toys? If a man uses a sex toy, he is a loser or a pervert. He is a sicko or worse. So when did it become okay to demonize males for the same thing that women are rightly proud of?

And when it comes to sex, that's not all there is. Look at birth control. Men have two main options: vasectomy or condom. The first is guaranteed, but makes you unable to ever have any kids, so if you are just looking for temporary, there is only one option. And that can fail or even be sabotaged quite easily. Women, well, they have MANY options. We will ignore getting their tubes tied, as that is permanent, like a vasectomy. Implant, Patch, Pills, Shot, Sponge, Vaginal Ring, Cervical Cap, Condom, Diaphragm, IUD, Spermicide, Morning After Pill, and if all that fails, abortion. So, women have a plethora of options. Men have one. So a man and woman, both who enjoy each other's company, get together. The man wears a condom, the woman uses nothing. The condom fails. She is pregnant. He says he doesn't want the child. She says she does. She CHOOSES to keep it. She can then sue him for child support, and never let him even see the child. So a child he never wanted and did everything he could to prevent, he is forced to pay for, because of her choice. Reverse that. He uses nothing, she uses something and it fails. She says she doesn't want it, he says he does. She can abort it, and he will have absolutely no say, or way to stop it. Her choice trumps his. It took two of them to make it, but only one gets to decide if it continues. And if it does, both have to pay. How is that even close to fair? I fully support a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body. But there needs to be accountability and responsibility. It should be: Her body, her choice, her responsibility. If she chooses to keep it, despite his protest, she should be barred from asking for support from him. She chose to keep it, making the decision solely hers, and as such it is only right that the responsibility for that choice be hers.

Then we have the relationship area. Most people don't realize this, but fully half of men in the western world will NOT have children. Most women will. This means that women are getting the choice and men aren't. The big term of "Friendzone" has become a common one among men who are sick of being told that they are "a good guy" but always passed over by the woman they are interested in because doesn't like him in "that way". I have seen women setting up websites trying to "debunk" this and making it sound like the guys are not really nice guys, that it is all the men's fault for taking it wrong, etc. It's the MAN'S fault that she doesn't like him that way, or that she uses him for her own emotional esteem boost without actually getting a relationship from him. And if a guy complains or tries to push past it, he gets called creepy or pushy. He is no longer a nice guy if he actually wants a relationship with the woman other than friendship. It doesn't matter if she is using him for emotional support the way a significant other would. And yet, we have a song about a GIRL being friendzoned, and it is popular and considered romantic by women and such a lovely song when she gets the guy in the end. So it's okay for a girl to push against the friendzone, but not a guy? Double standard much. As to the song, which I am sure some people are saying doesn't exist? Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me" Even the title is creepy. If it was a guy singing it, it would NEVER have become as popular as it did.

Now, there ARE guys who don't go about it the right way. They don't tell the girl they are interested in that way, and then complain. That is stupid, and immature, and they are in the wrong. Then there are those who are only interested in getting some, and when told no, complain, but remain friends, but are not used. That is also stupid, wrong and immature. But I am not talking about them. I am talking about the women who ARE using the men. They are out there, they are setting a bad trend for women everywhere, and trying to call all guys jerks for the actions of these women, well, you are just making yourselves look bad too. There are idiots everywhere. Men, women, blacks, whites, asians, natives, poor, rich, christian, atheist, muslim, pagan, it doesn't matter. There is no common thread among who can be an idiot except one: Humans.

But that's not the problem. The REAL problem is that these nice guys AREN'T being chosen because they aren't the kind of guys that women are naturally drawn to. Most women don't even realize it, because it is so instinctual. There is an absolutely wonderful video by Girl Writes What about this, and it talks about why feminists HATE "Nice Guys". And the main gist of it? They hate them because they are showing just how two faced feminists really are. They don't want the "nice guys" because they are too feminine, and not masculine. So the very thing they have been trying to do to men, making them less masculine, is exactly the thing they DON'T want. Here's the video if you are interested. I highly recommend watching all of her videos, they are a terrific insight to the problems in this world and with feminism.

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But that's not all there is. There is still a strong sense of sexism being taught and perpetuated by parents and society. The belief that only women should have long hair and men should have short hair. Women should be emotional, caring and nurturing and men should be strong, physical and rational. There are even sexist views on what women and men should like. Men should like action movies, with explosions and violence, horror movies, and sci-fi. Women should like romance movies, drama, and romantic comedies. I saw once recently on a dating website a woman who had that she didn't like sexist attitudes in her profile, and then answered "Star Trek or Star Wars?" with "Neither, I'm a girl". She didn't realize that by saying this, she was implying that liking either of them made you less of a woman in her eyes, that somehow it was something only men would watch. That is remarkably narrow minded and sexist in itself. And look at the toys people give to kids. Girls get dolls to teach them to "play house" and to be a nurturing parent. Boys get soldier toys and cars to encourage aggressive, posturing attitudes. Both of these are terribly sexist, but we still continue to do so.

There is rampant sexism, but it isn't JUST confined to men against women. And if we want to move past discrimination, we have to see it WHEREVER it is, and stomp it out. We can't condone it, we can't defend it, and we can't make excuses for it. Before you cry discrimination, you must first look in the mirror and see where you have discriminated. Chances are, you are guilty of it just as much as the person you are accusing. We all have done it at some time or another, and before we change the world, we have to change ourselves. And of course, we have to stop thinking of ourselves as either men or women. We are all HUMANS. That is the most important label, and the one we should be holding on to the tightest. All other labels are meaningless and holding us back.

This is why feminism has failed, It is portrayed by many as bringing one group, in this case women, up, and pushing them to be equal. It is portrayed as ignoring injustices it ends up creating against men, and ignoring existing injustices against them. Feminism cannot succeed if it is based on the promotion of women, the promotion of one single group. When men do that, it's sexism, so therefore, it is also sexism when women do it. part of this portrayal of feminism comes from those uninformed or trying to stop it. But sadly, most of it comes from feminism itself. It's very name is sexist. It would be the same as if there was a group of men calling themselves masculinists. The problem is that the whole gender label still is attached. Why must women be feminine and men be masculine? I propose that the entire "battle of the sexes" be declared a loss for both sides. We need to give up the stupid gender labels entirely. Stop being a feminist, a masculinist or promoting whatever gender you happen to be. Stop thinking of men as masculine, women as feminine. Those are outdated models and terms and belong in the past. Start being a humanist, or as others call themselves, egalitarians. If you see injustice, against ANYONE for ANY REASON, be it gender, race, religion or beliefs, STAND UP and FIGHT IT. Stop just helping one group, and help ALL groups.
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