War Crimes

Feb 12, 2011 10:38

Normally I won't engage in political rambles on any of the places where I blog, but this one is too important to not talk about. Years ago, before the Y2K problems came to be a big joke, there was a Canadian down in the US who was being convicted of murder. He was being convicted on the word of a criminal, one avoiding the death penalty himself for the same crime. Yes, this was in a state that had the death penalty. According to international law, anyone on trial in a foreign country is given the right to contact their embassy to get get proper representation in the court case. This Canadian was NOT given that right. When an appeal was made to the Gov. at the time and the courts, the appeal for a re-trial and for the man to be given his international rights were denied. He was tried, convicted, and executed for a crime by the word of a criminal avoiding his own death. This was a flagrant disregard of international law and was a slap in the face to Canada by that Gov.

Well, now that same person has admitted to more international crimes, this time a very serious one: Torture of prisoners. That's right, George W. Bush. He condoned torture under his reign of terror and he ADMITS IT. International courts are demanding he brought to trial, and since the US Govt. is too cowardly to try him, it is up to the other countries that are part of the Geneva Convention. Recently Dubya cancelled a trip to Switzerland because they were talking about actually bringing him to trial. There was some strong-arming from the US Govt. to try and make them back down, but really, what can the US do to the Swiss? His next international stop: Canada. As much as I would hate to see Canadians suffer under the wrath of a whiny, cry-baby background government who doesn't want to have their hero punished for his CRIMES, I think Canadians as a whole need to urge the government to do our duty and put this vile man on trial. It's time he was held accountable for his administration.

Not only that, since he has already thumbed his nose at Canada when it comes to international law and rights, it's time we taught him that NO ONE is above the law.
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