Yeah, I say it again! I hate seasonal allergies. I know, allergy season is over. What does that leave me with? SINUS INFECTION!!!! Which then slowly drains down my throat and gives me an infection there next. BLEAH! I tried
tomreedtoon's idea and tilted my head back in the shower, letting the water rinse up my nostril. It made a nice effect, and I can breathe from one side again! Yay! Thanks tom!
Speaking of Toms, the awesome
devospice posted a little animation to his song
"Reign of Error" and I think you should all see it. And a reminder for those that weren't in the #dementia channel when he said it...the song is about his WINDOWS machine at work, NOT his Mac at home. Such a good Dementia artist! I think we shall love him and squeeze him, and call him George!
But not
this George.
They finally removed the cabinets in my appartment...the day before rent was due. I guess the threats of Chamber of Commerce, Better Business Bureau and Health Department intervention and not paying rent made a nice effect on them. They left my place a mess when they left, but the cabinets are WAY better, more space and I can actually put a lot in them. Now I need a spinning spice rack like my mom has, and I will be set!
And now for something to cause your mind to crack completely....
Your Stripper Song Is
Toxic by Britney Spears
"With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic I'm slippin' under"
You may dance for someone - but only to weaken their defenses.
What Song Should You Strip To?