Apr 12, 2006 01:48

But how he lives is another question. Let's give a little bit of an update since life has been a blur lately....

Tornado and allergy season have hit with a vengence. I feel like crap from the second, and the usual apprehensiveness from the first.

I finally pushed the boss for a raise, told him I need a cost of living increase. So far, he has avoided the subject, especially after his technician up and quit on him when the boss was an ass to him, and now we have a LOT of work not being done. But I will not let this go. This is nuts to have gone three years without even a small raise to cover cost of living.

I was promoted to Offisher (Officer) in the Pisces Inferno guild on World of Warcraft! Yay! That's where I have been spending most of my time lately. I have a total of five characters there, one is almost at his pinnacle, the level 60 mark. In fact, I want to hit that mark with him in a wat befitting him. How is that? Well, there is a faire that travels between two places that is basically a carnival. One of the things it has is a cannon you can get shot out of. I want to hit 60 while flying out of the cannon....in enemy lands. I think that will be the funniest thing ever. Its just so insane, it fits. That is the Tseran character. Since he is almost at that pinnacle, I am going to start working on the other characters, getting them up, since he can help them.

The package with my popcorn bowl and money order to replace it being lost my mother sent me didn't get to me. Why? SHE SENT IT TO THE EX-GFs ADDRESS! Now that wouldn't be such a problem.....except for the fact that IT WAS OVER TWO YEARS AGO AND TWO MOVES AGO! She has also sent stuff to this address before, so that's no excuse. After correcting her, I finally got the money order to replace my popcorn bowl. Some of you may wonder why I was so attached to a popcorn bowl. This wasn't just ANY bowl, you put hot air popcorn into the bowl, stuck the bowl in the microwave, and it would pop it! No oil, no mess, no fuss! It was AWESOME! I see they have them on Amazon.com, but the ones there are too big for my microwave. So, I used the money she sent to replace the bowl (Canada Post gave her $50, which was a LOT more then what I paid for it) to get a hot air popper. So now....my amazon.com wishlist has some popcorn related items. One being gourmet popcorn, where its different kinds of popcorn to give different flavours. I have always wanted to try those. Then there are the popcorn seasonings. I LOVE those. That's why I want hot air popcorn, variety! The bags of microwave popcorn you can't season just the way you want. I don't want as much butter and salt as they put on them. Or maybe I want to use a cheese flavor. Or maybe something else. I can't do any of that with microwave popcorn. I LOVE MY POPCORN DAMMIT!

What else has been going on? What of my social life? What social life. Most of the people I talked to have stopped talking to me. I rarely hear from a lot of folks except when I find them or they find me online. And know what? It doesn't matter anymore. I have gotten to the point where I don't care if I end up alone the rest of my life. I am through trying to chase people down to keep in touch. I realize that some of the people who I used to talk to a lot are busy, which is why I send text messages rather then call. I use electronic communication because its not as intrusive. If they happen to be at work or driving, I don't want them to do something hazardous or intrusive to talk. Its my way of saying "hey, I am here, I would like to talk" even if it is just a short message. If you get a message from me, that's what it usually means. When I get no response from that, it gives me the indication that you don't want to talk to me. That's fine. But don't expect me to reach out too often anymore. That's when I say that if you really want to keep a friendship with me, you need to make a step or two yourself.

I have ceased doing my Saturday show for a variety of reasons. Some of them are personal and I really don't want to discuss them. Mainly it is because I felt that it was a burden, and I could sense the pro-dementia movement on the station. I understand the reason for it, but sometimes I really don't feel like doing comedy. Two hours a week is easy to do, its a chance for me to lighten up, take a break from World of Warcraft (and its a good day to do it, since Tuesday is maintainance day) but in all honesty what would really suit me is a four or five hour show where I did whatever the mood strikes me. Could be comedy, could be techno, could be mellow, could be heavy, could be new age, could be classic rock. May even be a mixture of all. I just don't think I can handle a long show if I am tied down in format. Nothing against dementia, just that I can't take all comedy music for long periods of time. One of the reasons I have remained sane (yeah, big shock, I actually am sane, despite what I claim and how I act) is because I throw comedy in every aspect of my life. That keeps me from having a mental breakdown during stress. That has kept me from being in the news by them finding me on the top of an office tower with a sniper rifle picking off people in the park. But music itself is where I express myself. That is why I listen to such a wide range, my mood determines what I want to hear.

My apartment is finally going to have work done on it that I have needed....well, since I moved in. Apparently the formal complaint letter complete with "If something isn't done within a week, a copy of this letter will be sent to various other parties" got some attention. So that means:

The leak in the roof in the kitchen has been fixed...supposedly, they said this last time, and a few months later it leaked again. Since there is no one in the apartment above me, we won't know till someone else moves in.

The flooding in the bathroom (which was rare) should be fixed. Again, with it being rare, I won't know for sure unless it happens again, especially with it being tied to the apartment above me, I am sure.

The cabinets will be REPLACED. Not just new shelves put in and the old casing with mold in it left, but REPLACED. I got a note on my door today that said they were on order.

My sink in the kitchen will stop singing. They said this would be fixed when the cabinets are replaced, so we will see. I will miss its glorious song.

My sink in the bathroom will stop leaking. Again, they said this will be fixed with he cabinets, so we will see. Nothing about this I will miss.

So that will get my place back up to where I feel comfortable. Maybe my allergies will get better without the moldy cabinets. I noticed that all the recent bug spraying seems to have worked. Haven't seen an adult roach in quite some time. I certainly don't miss them. Spring cleaning fever hit me last week too. I cleaned up my bedroom, dusting everywhere around my computer. That's usual for me when allergy season hits. I don't want dust, especially when I break out the fan, which will be needed with the increased heat. Livingroom/Kitchen will be next, I even started it tonight be removing the three inches of ice in the freezer. Weeee! Defrosting is so much fun, its like winter, all the snow and ice! The ice blocks there could have killed someone!

Well, that's enough rambling for now. Not like most people will even read this.
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