Jan 26, 2006 08:39
Yes folks, its a short rant before work. I don't know why, but I just had a serious grumbling about something I have heard before. Now, I don't claim to be an expert on American History. In fact, I despise history, be it American, Canadian, European....just any history. But, I did learn a lot of it in school. In fact, I probably learned more about American History then some American kids, and certainly more of American History then they learned of Canadian History. What irks me is the modern Christians who come off saying that this is a god faring nation, a Christian nation because that is what the founding fathers intended. Let me repeat that. Because that is what the founding fathers intended.
The version of history that I was taught was that the founding fathers of the US came over here fleeing religious persecution back in Europe. That's right, they were being persecuted for not having the "right" religion. So, why would anyone come to a different country, fleeing persecution, just to start it up all over again? Either you are saying that the founding fathers are hypocrites who just want to be the ones persecuting rather then the ones being persecuted, and demonize them, or you have to admit that they came over here seeking FREEDOM OF RELIGION like it says in the constitution. What does that mean exactly. It means you are FREE to practice ANY religion. It means that NO RELIGION shall be persecuted. It means that STATE and CHURCH are SEPARATE. You know what happened the last time they weren't? The Spanish Inquisition. Also, look at all those middle-east countries where we are so upset because the government is Muslim based. We shake our fingers at THAT religion based government, but think ours is fine? That's hypocrisy! Wow! Maybe the founding fathers were hypocrites. Goddess knows their descendants certainly are.