"See Through Dreams"

Jul 28, 2004 04:51

Sequel to "The War Within"
Author: Tseek_Unique
Rating: NC-17 angst, pirate-commodore smut
Summary: James worries he will lose Jack to Will. Will forges a new relationship.
Disclaimer: Property of Disney, I own nothing. They own me. *sigh*
Pairings:implied Jack/James, Will/Jonah.
Warnings: angst, smut, mental illness.
Author's Notes: This fic of madness has now grown to twelve parts. In order, they are "When Shadows Fall", "Somniferum", "Resurrection", "The Forgotten Heart",
"Mystic Whispers", "Together as One" and "Remembrance" and "The Fractured Mind, "The Hurting Words, and "The War Within."
Feedback: Please, luvs? Run out the guns!!! *Offers cookies*
Link: http://www.livejournal.com/users/tseek_unique/

Jack panted for breath and his moans grew louder with every frenzied thrust of James' pelvis. His hands twisted and hammered in the bed sheets, his stallion’s mane of braids, heavy with trinkets, flowed over the pillow In the three years of being separated from Jack, James had nearly forgotten how feral the man could be when he was being buggered to within an inch of his life. James certainly was not adverse to noisy lovemaking, but here in the confines of Jack's cabin aboard the Black Pearl, James knew the racket simply would not do.

"Jack, you must keep your voice down!" James whispered, pausing in mid-stroke.

Breaking his concentration for a moment, the commodore reached for his cravat, crumpled it and stuffed it into the pirate's mouth. Then he tightened his buttocks and began stroking again into Jack's velvety flesh while his right hand fisted Jack's throbbing, erect member.

Jack squeezed his eyes shut and muttered something unintelligible around the gag in his mouth, but his body arced back to meet James. James could hold back no longer. He felt an explosion of heat in his groin as waves of pleasure shook him, spilling droplets of seed into his lover and he redoubled his ministrations to Jack's member to bring him to completion. Jack released his burden within seconds; splattering pearly, white droplets over his own flat belly and James' grasping hand, while uttering a shriek of satiation that would have carried as far as the Dauntless had not the gag restrained him.

The pirate and commodore collapsed into a heap of sweat, braids, panting breaths and bare skin. James, now feeling a little guilty, removed the cravat from Jack's mouth and was alarmed to see tears on Jack’s cheeks.

"Did I hurt you?" James asked with a growing sense of alarm.

Jack flashed a gold smile. "As I've said, th' tetanus always 'urts a bit, luv, be ye did not add to my pain."

James flushed as he gently disentangled himself from Jack’s limbs, stood up from the bed. "I was terrified Gibbs or Anamaria would bang on the door."

Jack’s eyes followed him as he fetched two wet cloths. "They know what we're on 'bout down 'ere, luv. No reason t' be shy."

James handed Jack one of the cloths, sat down on the edge of the bed and finished cleaning up, then the commodore leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. There was an uncomfortable silence. He could feel Jack’s eyes pleading at his back, but he could not bring himself to turn and look into them. Instead, James stood up and reached for his clothes that lay folded on the chair.

“Jamie, can ye not bear to even look at me?” whispered Jack.

The ache inside of James intensified. He turned and touched Jack‘s cheek gently. “Every time I look at you, Jack, I lose some part of my good senses. The fact remains that we have not yet found Will or your brother, and you are still quite ill with tetanus. I think it is--improper-- of me to take advantage of you under these circumstances.”

Jack looked bewildered as James finished dressing. “Jamie, I wanted this jus’ as much as ye did. I needed t’ know that some part o’ me was still alive. Don’t take on. Please?”

When James did not answer, the pirate sighed deeply and carefully placed his bare feet on the floor. He reached for his own clothing. James moved to help him, but Jack swatted his hand away.

“I can dress meself, commodore.”

One by one, Jack’s effects found their proper place on his person: his shirt, sash and sword. His movements were slow and deliberate, his expression one of resigned patience. It seemed to James that he had, for the time being, accepted his limitations.

A tap at the door, then Gibbs’ familiar voice. “Cap’n?”


The door opened and Mister Gibbs leaned in. “Comin’ up on an island, sir. Looks t’ be some wreckage on th’ shore.”

“Landin’ party t’ go ashore,” said Jack.

“Aye, sir!” Gibbs disappeared.

Jack reached for his spyglass and James took his elbow gently. Jack squeezed the hand, and then patted his own breast pocket where he’d placed his letter of marque.

“Ye must let me go, James, an’ let me be what ye’ve accorded me t’ be.”

“You have done your part in this already,” James reminded him.

“There is somethin’ more I mus’ do.“ Jack looked up into James’ face with dark, painted eyes. “Promise me?”

“Anything within my power to grant,” whispered James.

“If we find Jonah alive, no man of yours shall kill ‘im. If ‘e must die, then t’will be by my own ‘and an‘ no other.”

The thought of Jack killing his twin brother chilled James, but he nodded mutely and then folded Jack into his arms. Their lips met in a lingering kiss, their tongues caressed. And what if we do find Will alive? thought James. What will Jack do then? James thrust his fears deep inside himself, in a place so dark even he was afraid to look.

Jack reached for the walking stick Doctor Willoughby had given him, put on his hat and carefully mounted the stairs with James following.


James examined the pile of splintered wood and rope as Gillette and two marines came down toward the beach carrying the remnants of a sail.

“It’s from the Dauntless, sir,” said Gillette. He nodded toward the palms. “There are pools of drinking water and freshly split coconuts in the grove. No bodies and no signs of a grave.”

James bent over to examine the footprints in the sand. “Two distinct sets of prints. Clearly, they both survived.”

Jack indicated more marks in the sand on the shore. “Picked up by a landin’ party, as it were. Most likely Jonah’s own ship. He knows precisely where we are.”

“Are you suggesting the Black Heart has been stalking us?” asked Gillette. “We would have spotted him!”

“Aye? Jonah concealed ‘imself in plain sight among ye an‘ ye saw ‘im naught,” said Jack. “What makes ye think, then, ‘e could not hide a ship in a storm? ”

“He is clever indeed,” said James.

“O’ course, ‘e is. ‘e’s a Sparrow!”

James’ heart twisted a little as Jack knelt and pressed his slender fingers into a footprint. Sadness welled in those shadowy eyes.

“He could ‘ave just as easily killed Will or left him t’ die, yet ‘e takes ‘im. For what purpose, I wonder.”

James frowned as he searched the horizon with his spyglass. He saw nothing. “We shall return to the ships and plot his most likely course.”

“His thinkin’ goes off th edge of th’ map, commodore. 'E will use 'is second sight to anticipate our every move. What use are bloody maps, then?”

Noting the uncomfortable silence among the marines, James took Jack’s arm and steered him away toward the clump of palm trees.

“Jack, this is not the moment for rash decisions. We have not yet seen Jonah’s ship or its ordnance. And we must not forget that he now has a hostage. Jonah is trying to draw us out and second sight or not, I am bound by duty play this by the rules.”

“I am not bound by your rules!” Jack insisted.

A sudden, chill wind swept in from the sea and through the grove. Jack's trinkets jingled softly as he turned narrowed eyes toward the horizon and set his jaw. James looked down and was alarmed to see goose flesh rising on Jack’s forearms. James removed his coat and flung it about the pirate's shoulders.

“He knows I’m alive, James. ‘E’s foreseen it. Each hour I feel ‘im drawin’ closer t’ me. ‘Tis only a matter of time before ‘e tries t’ see through my eyes.”

“I should not have brought you on this excursion,” said James as he guided Jack back toward the boats.

“Ye couldna ‘ave prevented me,“ Jack replied bleakly.


Behind Will’s eyelids danced a beautiful memory, that of black sails billowing out in the wind against an azure sky. The tang of sea filled his nostrils and spray danced upon his tan shoulders. Smiling, he tugged on the line, his muscles rippling beneath his golden skin as he made fast the sail and his soul.

“How’s that Jack?” he laughed, looking over his shoulder.

But there was no Jack. Only the Pearl’s wheel, unmanned and twitching slowly back and forth. He was quite alone on the deck. Will frowned in thought. He felt a gentle rocking at his back. Oh, wait, that’s right, he thought, I remember now. Jack's dead.

...It was Christmas Eve and they were anchored in Port Au Prince. The smith was running an errand for Jack. It was raining quite heavily when Will returned to the ship carrying several rolls of fabric. The fabric was wet enough from pattering raindrops, but Will was drenched. The feather in his hat drooped and rivulets of fresh rainwater splashed to the cabin floor as Will removed his once-fine hat and soaking cloak. Jack was fussing over something in the corner and paid no mind to Will's fretful state, which irritated Will even more.

“Well, I hope you think it was worth it!” said Will, tossing the fabric onto a chair. “Certainly, this so-called errand of great importance could have waited until the rain subsided.”

Jack paid no mind to Will’s irritation. He remained with his back to the smith, his attention focused on something hidden by his body.

Will huffed and sat down. “Will you come out of that bloody corner and look at this cloth?” he demanded. He tossed his soaking cloak and had the good fortune of hitting Jack in back of the head with it. The garment hit the floor with a soggy splat and Jack turned, his eyes bugged halfway out of his head.

“You silly blighter!” scolded Will. He pointed to the fabric. “Is this what you wanted or not?”

Jack’s face brightened. He swished across the cabin floor and gestured to the cloth with willowy fingers. “Perfect lad!”

Jack sloshed some rum into two cups and handed one to Will. “Now come over here, luv. Ol’ Jack needs yer ‘pinion.”

The tired Will allowed Jack’s hand to pull him out of the chair. He felt bone-tired and not in entirely good humor. And then he saw the tree.

It was barely a tree at all, just a shrub Jack had hacked down in someone’s yard. It sat in a bucket of sand on a table in the corner. Jack had hastily tied bits of colored paper and seashells to its crooked branches. A few candles sat about it.

Will stared at it in awe. “A Christmas tree?”

Jack grinned hopefully. “Not bad, aye? Sorry I ‘ad to get ye out of ‘ere on such short notice, but we really did need the cloth so all the crew can sew themselves a new shirt. An' I got limes, tins of cocoa and coins for everyone."

Jack pulled a crate from under his bed.

"P-presents? For the crew?" stammered Will.

Jack took a gulp of rum and waved his other hand excitedly. "Course, luv. T'was always a Christmas in th' Sparrow 'ouse when I was a lad. 'Elp me wrap their things?"

Will grinned, touched by Jack's thoughtfulness. "Of course!"

Jack waggled a slender finger at Will. "But first, I 'ave a little extra somethin' fer ye."

Jack reached under the tree and retrieved a parcel wrapped in newspapers and tied up with string.

"Must open it carefully, luv. Kinda fragile, ye know."

Will carefully unfolded the paper-- and his eyes widened. Inside was a delicate necklace of tiny dried starfish and seashells, strung upon a simple string.

"You made this," said Will. He touched a starfish gently. "All those mornings you disappeared on the beach before I even woke up, you were combing the beach for these."

Jack nodded proudly. "Lemme put it on ye, then?"

Will held up the curls at the base of his neck as Jack tied it the necklace around his neck. The youth turned, looked into Jack's eyes and was overcome by love. Will smothered him in a kiss, nearly devouring Jack's cheek as Jack tossed his head in ticklish delight and chuckled.

"Yes, I know, 'tis very fetching," Jack assured him as Will dropped to his knees and tugged at Jack's breeches. "But ye see, we 'ave these gifts to wrap and we can't be- oh. Oh. Oh. Now, Will, you must take that out o' yer mouth an'--oh, Mary, Mother of---!"

...Will opened his eyes. He was lying upon a bed in a strange cabin surrounded by sunrays that strained weakly through the cabin windows. There was a smell of incense in the air. A movement beside the bed caught his eye. Jonah Sparrow's face hovered close to his and one of his delicate hands rested upon Will's arm.

"Jonah," he whispered. He frowned and tried to pull his arm from Jonah's grasp, then winced at the pain in his fractured wrist. "What are you doing? Why are you touching me like that?"

"Seeing though your dreams," Jonah replied calmly. "And waiting for you to wake up. Your fever has abated."

Will wrinkled his brow and glanced about. "We are aboard your ship?"

"We are aboard my ship," replied Jonah.

"You made medicine for me from the lotus flower. I fell asleep."

"The lotus is a powerful medicine, Will. Remnants of the old cults still survive in Egypt. Nefertum, the god of the lotus flower is still revered in some sects. In legend, it was Nefertum who brought lotus medicine to Ra to ease his suffering."

"And it also has the power to render one insensible, as you did to me that night on the Dauntless?" asked Will. "Why did you mark me? And what else did you do to me?"

Jonah frowned and shifted away from the bed. "Is that what you think of me, Will? That I drugged you and took you against your will, like those beasts in the asylum did to me? Once you were under the influence of the black lotus, I questioned you. Nothing happened in that room that you did not consent to. I marked you and nothing more."

Will tried to sit up and Jonah slipped his arms around the lad to help him. A metal cup touched Will's lips.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Just water, I promise."

Will gulped. Then he felt the warmth of Jonah's breath on his neck and drew away. He realized for the first time he was naked beneath the bed sheets. Something firm nudged against his thigh and he blushed.

Jonah wrinkled his nose. "Why do you recoil from me? "

"Clearly, I am your hostage."

"Only until Jack comes for you. In the meantime, you are free to wander about the ship as your strength permits. At night, you may sleep here in my bed with me. No one shall touch you without your consent, Will. You have my word."

"The word of a dishonest man? And what do you mean when Jack comes for me? He isn't coming for me, Jonah!"

Jonah's eyes grew misty. "Aye but he is, Will. And then we will settle all accounts."

Will bound up his wrist and replied irritably, "Even if Jack were alive, he would dispatch you quickly."

Jonah considered, then drew closer to Will. "Will, how do you think I came by this ship?"

"Well, I imagine you commandeered it or bought it with the money you brought with you from Egypt."

Will felt Jonah's hand at the back of his neck. The hand tugged gently at first then more harshly, drawing his head back and exposing his throat.

"I killed them all," Jonah whispered. "The entire crew, one by one."

With a deft move of his right hand Jonah drew a dagger from beneath his long hair, a long thin blade that could be thrust though the heart of an unwary victim before a single breath could be drawn. Jonah drew the blade lightly across Will's cheek and the youth's eyes widened in terror. Oh. My. Christ.

"You see, Will, appearances aren't everything. I've been with you for two days now and you never knew I carried this weapon."

"You could've killed me anytime you wanted, even though I had both the pistol and the sword," choked Will as the blade nudged at his jugular.

"It was not meant for you, Will. This blade was meant to rest in Jack's heart."

When Jonah left off poking him, he secreted the dagger back up under his hair and Will gently slipped an arm around the smooth shoulders. Gently, he rubbed the velvety skin. Jonah didn't flinch, but watched with wary eyes.

"Why haven't you killed me by now?" whispered Will.

Their lips joined hungrily, tongues teasing, teeth nipping at lips. The nudge at Will's thigh grew even firmer.

"Every king must have a subject," whispered Jonah.

They spun into a whirlwind of smoke and fire.

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