Alphabet Meme--I, L, M, P, Y

Jul 20, 2009 23:26

 Masterlist for all fics from the Alphabet Meme can be found here.

Title: Watching Me, Watching You
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairing: Nick/Stephen
Prompt: I is for Invisible
Rating: PG
A/N: For fififolle , who gave me a brilliant excuse to extend some of my 10x10 entries from earlier. <3 Title is from the Rogue Traders song "Watching You", cuz that's what I was listening to. :P

Hart's always early, Cutter notes--the mark of a keen mind, or a teacher's pet--but he always picks the wrong seat. No student sits in the front who doesn't want to get called on, but he can't even see Hart, much less tell when his hand is raised.


He's early for every class, picks the seat right under one of the bright lights that illuminates the lecture stage. It means he can't answer any questions--Cutter can't see him, which is the point--but it's a welcome trade-off, if he can sit and stare at his fucking gorgeous professor for eighty minutes a day.

Title: Regrets
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairing: Stephen/Becker
Prompt: L is for Lalala--Not Listening
Rating: PG
A/N: Had a LOT of trouble with this one, 
sunsets_dinos , you minx! :D Finally decided this prompt would be a good excuse to write more kid!Primeval. Spoilers for 2.07, too.

Stephen's face scrunched up tight in anger. The other boy kept laughing, taunting and teasing and pointing fingers in childish ridicule. Stephen felt tears pricking his eyes. "Stoppit--I'm not listening to you anymore!"

Courtney Becker rushed out of the house, and grabbed her son by the arm. "Leave the Hart boy alone," she admonished him, looking sympathetically at Stephen. "Apologize--now."

"Can't--he ain't listening." He laughed cruelly.


Becker was brought back suddenly by Lester's long fingers snapping in front of his face, surprised to feel tears in his eyes. He dragged his gaze away from the photo on Cutter's desk. "Sorry, sir--I wasn't listening."

Title: Spice Up Your Life
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairing: Lester/Ryan
Prompt: M is for Meetings
Rating: 14A
A/N: For fredbassett , who intimidates me with awesome--hope you like it! *fingers crossed*

Ryan hates meetings. Far too much talk--not enough action.

He knows Lester knows he hates them, too, because Lester always takes such sick pleasure in making sure Ryan knows attendance is mandatory.

But Lester knows he knows that Lester knows, because Ryan always takes the seat right next to him and does his very best to distract Lester--by any means necessary.

And they both know that all the others know, or at least suspect, that Lester's discomfort in their company has less to do with Connor's unkempt appearance and Nick's disrespect for authority than with Ryan's hand down the front of Lester's trousers.

Title: Calculated Chance
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairing: Ryan/Stephen
Prompt: P is for Park
Rating: PG
A/N: For lukadreaming , who iz a laydee and is also (I am relatively sure) trying to win me over to the Stephen/Ryan camp. :P

He had been sure he was the only one on the path this early in the morning, but the sound of footsteps echoing some distance behind his own--and closing--told him otherwise. Ryan slowed his pace a little to allow the other runner to come astride.

"Fancy meeting you here," Stephen greeted him easily, breathing barely laboured.

"You don't normally run this route." It wasn't phrased as a question. Ryan had planned his morning runs specifically to avoid a sweat-soaked, healthily-glowing, heavily-breathing Stephen Hart.

"Nope," Stephen agreed. He started speeding up. "Race you to the other side of the park."

Ryan managed to grin back.

Title: Road Runners
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairing: Stephen/Nick
Prompt: Y  is for Yamaha Bike
Rating: 14A
A/N: Another for fififolle  in the same vein as the first. This one was fun to write--hope you like it! <3

Unexpected death had made Nick a cautious man.

He'd known that this job would likely kill him--you didn't fraternize with dinosaurs every other day and expect to live long--but still, it was unexpected, getting shot.

Even less expected was waking up again--to Stephen's worried face, nonetheless. They'd hugged, kissed, and had sex with a rubber, because Nick was determined not to tempt fate. No more taking stupid risks--ever.

Yet, somehow, Stephen had managed to talk Nick into racing down the highway on a shiny new Yamaha--otherwise known as certain death. All Nick could do was hang on tight and try not to yell.

pairing:becker/stephen, character:stephen, fandom:primeval, character:nick, pairing:ryan/lester, character:lester, character:ryan, character:becker, type:meme, pairing:stephen/nick, type:fic, genre:drabble

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