Small glimmers of decency on FOX News

Apr 24, 2009 13:00

It's been a while since I LJ'd. Mainly because I've been spending all of my time on Facebook. (I know, I'm a traitor). However, I don't like to talk politics much on FB because of the wide variety of people on there (including family). So, back to LJ for some political fun for me.

I've in the past, shown some tiny rays of light coming out of the black void that is FOX news. Last time, we saw Shepherd Smith taking Republican hero Joe the Plumber to task, and Neil Cavuto calling some of the rabid Anti-Obama McCain supporters "just downright frightening" (or something to that extent). It's always nice to see guys go off the talking points. Still no word from Hannity/O'Reilly/ect... as to whether they will ever deviate from the playbook.

Which brings us, once again, to our friend Shepherd Smith. Whether you typically agree with him or not, this guy certainly has no problem with speaking his mind when he feels passionate about something. In today's case, he takes America to task for our stance on torture in the past (read that as past 8 years if you like):

Watch him light up FOX's own Trace Gallagher for suggesting that torture helps (about halfway in):

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Maybe it was staged and maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing (the fact that he drops the F bomb on him makes me think the 2nd) but, amen brother. It angers me that so many people on the right are still afraid to admit this. The country that America is supposed to be (at least the one I learned about in school) is one that does not lower themselves to the same level as our enemies (biggest excuse I hear on torture: "Well, if they capture an American what do you think THEY will do?").

Wonder if he won't be invited to the company Christmas party this year...

So, Shepherd, I hope this keeps you off Keith's "Worst Person In the World" list today (as long as Bill O' is around, you should be safe).
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