it could work

Jan 04, 2007 13:33

so, i know that it's sort of cliche to do the beginning of the year run down of last year, but it seems to work really well for some people so i thought i'd give it a try, plus i haven't posted in a while.

2006 was a very strange year.
it started out with a very difficult semester. anyone who knows anything about my senior thesis class knows why. though that was definitely an interesting experience for me, i am glad to say that i don't look back at it with the same bitterness that i did before. mostly, because it's become unimportant. it really doesn't have anything to do with my life as it is now, so i haven't really worried about it anymore, which I think is a good thing. For me still, that is the thing that summarizes my last semester.

graduation seems like it was a really long time ago when in reality it was only about 7 months. Stetson feels like it was another time in my life, a chapter that ended as soon as I left. I've got back a couple of times but it was for the people, not the school. And even then, it was strange.

One of the most interesting things that I did was when I moved home and cleaned my room because I have things in there that I've had since I was in elementary school that I hadn't seen for years. It reminded me of things I'd forgotten. One of them being that my interest in english literature and writing wasn't a random thing that started in college or late high school. It's something I'd always been interested in. When I first applied for the school of the arts in 7th grade, creative writing was the area I was specifically interested in and it was what I used for my portfolio to get into the school. It's actually the art that's the newer side. I don't ever think I'll only just be interested in one thing. And I think I've decided that that's ok. Especially since I'm also still interested in marine biology which I was planning on doing as a career up until I took a graphic design class in 10th grade (cuttlefish, orcas, dolphins and sea horses are definitely my favorite part :-).

In a way, I think that art history is a good melding of english and art. But i don't think that's necessarily why I'm interested in pursuing it. I think there's just so much to learn about it. And the more I learn, the more I know that there is still to learn and the more I become interested in it.

But I feel like 2007 is different somehow. It's only 4 days into it and though not much has changed since the end of 2006, things do feel different. Or maybe it's just the way that I think that is different. I'm definitely planning on changing jobs. Whether the job I'm applying for now pans out or not, I'm leaving. I think I'm just not happy enough there and that's not enough for me anymore. I'd rather get a part time job to pay the car insurance, etc. and do an informal internship at the Norton Museum and at least be doing something that I actually care about.

The lamest thing is probably the fact that I'm actually excited at the prospect of applying to grad school. I think it's because to me it's a form of hope. It's still a dream and something to look forward to and hope for. That's one of the most important things in life to have. I believe that when nothing else is going right, as long as you have that, you'll be ok. I am glad to say that I'm done taking my GRE and that it went pretty well. It would have gone better had I not developed an eye infection the day before, but I still think it went really well. The best part of having it done is that it is the first real step in getting any of this done. And that's really nice.

Well, I hope i didn't babble on too long.

New years resolution:
Use the hello kitty waffle maker Lonetta gave me way too often
Be more honest with people
Be more honest with myself

Happy new year
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