Sep 18, 2007 09:37
Dear Right Ankle:
Please stop allowing yourself to get sprained. I understand that it is partly my fault for doing things which put strain on you such as jumping around, running, roller skating, falling in holes...but you should be tough enough to withstand these things. You don't see your sister, Left Ankle, having any issues do you? And this is the fifth time you've given out on me. Over the years I've grown quite attached to you, and don't want to think less of you, but this past Saturday you did make me look like a bit of an idiot when an 8 year old was able to stop skating properly without falling like a moron, and I on the other hand had to crawl off the rink. Plus, the arms are getting a little tired of all this crutching around business. They feel like they've been lifitng weights constantly the past couple of days, and don't even want to lift up above the head anymore. The left leg and foot aren't too happy with you either as they now have to bear the weight that you normally help out with. Keep in mind, we don't hate you, we're all just getting a little annoyed here. I'll make you a deal, I promise I won't get back on skates for a month at the earliest, and will take you to physical therapy so we can get some strengthening exercises to do at home. And I'll even spring for some extra padding/braces for you so when we attempt to do Roller Derby again, you feel more secure. Just please heal quickly so we can get back to moving around like normal. You know I'm stubborn and don't like asking for help, nor do I enjoy not being able to hold anything when I "walk", or taking twice as long to do anything...and I'm missing out on fun weekend plans that I would really like to do because I can't stand/walk for long periods of time. Oh, and try to back off with the swelling please. The foot is looking like a sausage that's about to explode, and it's just not cute. Thanks.