I no longer have a primary journal to post on, this is so weird.
Sssso I haven't been playing much over the past month. October is never a good month for me, and work and RL have been rough and sapping at my will to play! I'm starting to get back into the swing of things, which I need since I have papers coming up and RP is a nice break from that. However, IRC has been a huge distraction lately, so I'm not going to be on it for a bit.
I will be tagging posts and jumping people more over the next few days! ... and for those people whose memes I jumped last week - I definitely plan on tossing those characters out this weekend. :(d If you need to contact me, feel free to e-mail me (robert.haydn at gmail) or hit me up
IF YOU WANT ME TO THROW SOMEONE OUT AND LINK YOU UP WHEN I DO, TELL ME, I will make this happen when not dying from work and school stress (i.e. this weekend). I already know Kanji wants Janus and Anastasia wants Nicolai! - o rite, I play Robert Haydn, Janus Cascade, Nicolai Conrad, Kaidou Naoya, and Adachi Tohru!
eta: ........... so guess who got a stomach virus. brb collapsing on the couch in front of the TV with ginger ale.