... So! My internet has been glitching off and on for the past couple weeks or so, as
apology can attest to due to the fact that I always seem to be talking to her when it craps up. It'll just- drop the connection. And I'm directly plugged in. Oh Cox. It's been particularly bad for the past couple days - I've had to mess around with it three times today already! And the outage this time was for longer than usual.
If I disappear from IRC or drop threads, that's why, and er. CFUW people, I will try to be around, but I can't promise anything. orz.
eta: IT HAS STAYED ON FOR FIVE AND A HALF HOURS. I can only hope this will continue, sob.
eta #2: NOPE, THERE IT WENT. I'm gonna have a roommate contact Cox about it. 8(