(no subject)

Oct 28, 2005 21:17

Things have been slow this week. Thursday I actually believed it was Wensday and forgot to do most of the homework for that day because I assumed I had another day to do it. I scheduled my road test for the 9th of November at 2:00, not only do I get out of school but there is a slight possibility that I actually might get my license. I still have to learn to parellel park, but I have to get my license, I must! I will! I will! Well anyway, I've been so exhausted this week. Every day I've came home and slept for three hours and then end up going to bed at around 1 o'clock or so. Wasn't that bad because they had an Ingrid Bergman marathon a few nights but it's damn frustrating, and I feel so horrible after a nap. So groggy and grumpy.

I have to babysit tomorrow, I'm excited, I can use 30 dollars, get a few shirts this weekend and maybe so jewelery.

I've been feeling so fat lately. I actually lost three pounds from two weeks ago, from a 130 to maybe 128 but that could have been water weight. But here I am, back to my cookies and chocolate. We were suppose to go shopping tonight but Dad is too tired to go today so we'll go tomorrow morning. He always procrastinates, but I do as well. I did my laundry Tuesday and it's still sitting downstairs. So not only do I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow but I must clean my room soon. Ergh! I'm so tired.

I'm watching Most Haunted Live, it's so boring...I rather like the edited version. Nothings really happening except the dog is barking and whining and they keep on over anylizing it. It's three hours of demanding to the spirits to do something and it's quite funny that nothing is happening. Oh! And the viewer's messages at the bottom of the screen, every three seconds someone sees something, a spirit, an orb, a figure, a man, a woman, cats, even bicycles! The viewers are getting more than the medium who is actually at the place. Ah, the irony. And it's not even live, it was recorded early this evening in England. They are having it tomorrow too, maybe they will do an edited version because I'm am not loving this episode. Go watch "Most Haunted" on the travel channel, not tonight but one of their edited episodes, it is so scary and so great that it will be your favorite show. But this is quite stupid.

Dad came home from one of his many buisness trips and actually brought home something cool. It's a wooden figurine of the Vietnamese God of Happiness. Couldn't bring it at a better time too.

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