Yuletide letter 2016

Oct 01, 2016 14:33

Hello writer!

After a couple year hiatus, I've returned to my favorite fannish event of the year. Yuletide is always such a wonderful thing for me. I have fairly broad tastes, which I hope will make you sigh and say "thank (deity/expletive)" at this point. So hopefully this letter will be helpful.

General information!
All ratings from the mildest G to the hardest "check your ID at the door" Explicit are welcome. This applies to sex, and violence. I'm comfortable with dark themes, and a happy ending is not a requirement. I love ships, I love genfic, I love PWP. I will read just about anything, if we're honest. While I have requested some things that are ships, please don't feel bound to write ships if it just isn't working out for you. I'm very happy to receive something that's just world building, or focused only on a single character.

The do-not-want list:
- Pregnancy, kidfic
- the "sold as a slave, falls in love with owner" trope

Things I do enjoy:
- Any and every AU you can come up. If you can build it, I'm interested. Especially if you have niche knowledge to really flesh it out, I'm down. War zone reporters? Esoteric academics? Line cooks? Marine biologists? Landscapers? Construction workers? Whatever it is, I'm down. I love AUs.
- Polyamory. I would like to avoid painful love triangles and have more poly in the world.
- Hurt/comfort fic is one of those things I enjoy, okay. A lot.
- I enjoy the slice of life, missing scene and curtain fic pieces a lot.
- Messy relationships, ones that are fucked up somehow.
- Functional relationships, people who work well together.
- Ghost stories
- The partners in crime tropes, us against the world
- Holiday fic, and all sorts of autumn/winter fic (October-December is my favorite time)
- Found families, families of choice
- Food as an expression of love, cooking, any excuse for food descriptions

Sexy times:
It's hard to find a blow job I didn't like somehow. I enjoy everything on the spectrum of enthusiastic consent to the dubcon/noncon side, vanilla to kinky. Special love for well written BDSM scenes. See my YulePorn comment for more information.

I love this video game with all my heart. It's such an incredible experience, and I was utterly into this story about how you can't just run away from life. That you have to live with your choices. Plus all the beautiful world building! I was intrigued by the notes between Ron and Dave, and wondered what their story was. If they were friends, if they were lovers, if they were coworkers who never quite made the connection. Or where Delilah goes after, what she does. What Henry does. Basically, I just need the fic about all these broken adults learning how to keep going. Anything about any of these people, shippy or not!

Morgan (2016):
This was a weird short film that has such potential. There were so many questions I had. What was the strange, over invested relationship between Amy and Morgan? Did Dr Cheng recognize Lee Weathers? How does Lee feel about Morgan? Did Morgan have a plan beyond getting to the lake? I have so many questions. I just want to know what these women were thinking.

Stranger Things:
My favorite thing about this series is the unnamed dread. That sense that childhood games are just paper over something darker, that bad things are lurking even in the colorful suburbs. That you grow up and find out how much being an adult breaks your heart. I'd love anything that digs deeper into the heart break of Joyce or Hopper, how they got to be where they are. Their friendship and how long that's been a thing.

Crimson Peak:
I love the high gothic romance of this, the grim and strange hunt that Thomas and Lucille do for wealthy wives. I want to know all about that. Whose idea was it? How did it happen? How did Thomas and Lucille end up in their desperate, dark love?

Ex Machina:
Another excellent movie about AI. I love the weird tension between Caleb and Nathan, and the intense overall sexual tension of the film. It just cries out for some dark, hot sex. Or alternately, the story of where Ava goes. What Ava's thinking. That ending! There's so much to explore in this.

Only Lovers Left Alive:
This movie really speaks to my heart somehow. It's sparing in the darkness, and unbearably beautiful. Even the melancholy of it is soothing somehow. Adam and Eve, their long history, all their lives and loves. Anything in here, about where they came from or the world building, would be fantastic.


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