away to the beach

Sep 11, 2016 14:31

My quiet Sunday has been full of charging electronics and making sure they all have cables. I bought a couple new albums and rearranged my mp3 player. There's new Nick Cave and new Bastille just in time for the flight.

I'm hoping a few days away will be good. Maybe I can quit obsessing about my own mortality and my blood pressure. I probably won't be successful at this new healthier diet, but I'm going to do my best and not torture myself over it. I'm staying in this fancy hotel because I want to eat ice cream and drink wine. (I am taking some graze snacks so I'm certain to eat at least one healthy thing.)

But days on the beach, with no obligations. Paperbacks, swimming, pretty clouds, watching the sun come up over the water. With any luck, I can get some writing done and come down from this year. The next few months will be a lot of work.
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