(no subject)

Jul 19, 2016 10:27

I have started playing Pokemon. I'm giving myself permission to just enjoy the dumb thing. But really, the genius thing is that it forces me to walk around. In the past three days I've walked for at least an hour every day, sometimes more. It's slow walking, but it's walking.

God it's so damn hot. I don't know why people enjoy summer. Fifteen minutes into a walk when the sun isn't even over the horizon and I'm already sweating. I came home the past two days and could actually wring my shirt out over the bath tub. I might just have to start wearing a back pack with more than one water bottle or something. I deeply want someone with some entrepreneurial spirit to set up a stand by the park where there are multiple stops and a gym. Someone please just sell lemonade or cookies or something. I will pay. It would be a great fundraising tactic for kids sports or charity or something.

Genuinely considering taking myself out to lunch now. Just trying to do some little things to combat the horrific summer/politics/current events depression.
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