one letter, and six questions - M

Apr 07, 2016 18:05

Something I hate: Mosquitoes. Is there anything like the horror of looking down and realizing a creepy insect is stealing your blood and leaving you with itchy, terrible bumps? Not to mention the diseases. I wonder a lot if it would destroy the planet to eradicate mosquitoes.

Something I love: Marshmallows. I love the texture of marshmallow, the unrepentant sugariness, the squish of it. Marshmallows are one of my favorite things to mix into ice cream, and I've got three packs of marshmallow Peeps leftover from Easter still.

Somewhere I've been: Mont Saint Michel, which is an island depending on the tide and has a little road that winds up and up and up.

Somewhere I'd like to go: Montreal. I've never been to Canada, but it is awfully close by.

Someone I know: I feel like Mike is the obvious answer. Though I also want to say my coworker Marian, because I like that name.

A film I like: Marie Antoinette. One of my favorite period pieces, of utterly lush and gorgeous visuals with a superb soundtrack.
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