Mar 30, 2016 06:56
What would I do with $800 and a weekend to myself?
Well, in a perfect world I'd be able to go get another tattoo and spend the weekend recovering from the itch and burn, lazily eating breakfast tacos and watching movies. But if the tattoo wasn't an option, I'd buy some expensive new shoes and go try one of the French places in town that I haven't been since my favorite restaurant is no more. And pay for a cab so I can have a couple glasses of wine.
What was my favorite book as a child? What is it now?
That's tricky. I was a voracious reader as a kid, and consumed a ton of books. One of the fantasy series I read when I was about 9 or 10 was Guy Gavriel Kay's Fionavar Tapestry. It was the first fantasy novel I ever read that drew from "the real world" and put characters in a fantasy setting. It introduced me to a lot of fiction tropes like multiverses as well. It's really stuck with me through my life and I still love it, so I'm going to say that was one of my favorite childhood books.
Asking me to pick a favorite book now is damn near impossible. I recently read Garth Greenwell's What Belongs to You, which was haunting and beautiful and queer in all ways I love. (Seriously go read that) I think my favorite book comes time and time again to The Engineer of Human Souls, by Josef Skvorecky. It's a big, sprawling novel and it's so painfully, beautifully human. Skvorecky is always there for me when I need to understand why we are the way we are to each other.