So this says I haven't updated in 76 weeks or so...

Dec 31, 2007 21:10

Yeah. Full-time crappy job. Then pregnancy. Then baby. That'll do it! I can barely keep up with myspace lately never mind this. However, I do miss the simplicity of simply logging my thoughts and hiding behind 100x100 pixel images. When you only have an hour a week (if lucky!) to be on the computer though, my time needs to be spent updating the family and friends of the world with new baby pictures and all that. Oh sure, I spend plenty of time "online" aka viewing the intrewebz through my television screen in the living room, baby bottle in one hand, Wii remote in the other. But that doesn't allow real computer time; I never see the actual computer anymore. I really need some new icons. Maybe I will make time in the next two weeks to deal with that. I miss playing on here in general.

Oh, and happy new year. I'll be asleep by 12:01 I hope.
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