- It's sad when the one fic I can really recommend out of all the ones I've read only tangentially has anything to do with werewolves. Even better when the plot is "Sam and Dean get their memories stolen by Elves." No, I'm not even kidding. At least the characterization is excellent even if the ending was not.
Underhill by astolat.
- The best of the werewolf stories was a Sherlock one. It's the
Lupercalia by Mad Maudlin series. I wouldn't call it great writing, but it's solid and the ideas are interesting. Also sex. Can't fault it for lack of sex.
- There were a couple of others (also Sherlock, strangely enough) that were decent, but which I can't find right now. They were pretty forgettable because I don't even know what to search on to get them back. Ah well. At least these will keep people somewhat entertained.