I am in such a good mood.
Correction, I am in an unbeliveably great mood. I have been genki all day long. Of course, this could be due to the fact that I've gotten my first decent night's sleep all week last night. Insomnia and me with no computer in my room to amuse me is a bad thing. But also, it seems like I have not only solved most of my problems this week, but helped out with some other people's problems as well.
Case in point, the today's link. Kuwabara no Miko is an absolutely wonderful yaoi fanfiction writer. If you have never read any of her stuff I suggest you do a search and read her stuff. I would suggest going to her page, but all the links are broken. Which is a damn shame considering she had one of the best Duo/Heero fics of all times. Not to mention of the most believable Duo/Wufei fics I have ever seen. Now I will have to search and find her stuff so I can read it again. Why are some people's works so addictive? It's not fair!
Anyways, KnM was holding the RPG contest. She hadn't advertised it much, and nobody knew about it. After two months, nobody had entered. Well Talya Firedancer was complaining about this on her blog because it was really depressing poor KnM (or becki as Talya calls her). Well this really bothered me since both of them are great writers and even though I don't know either one, I read there blogs enough to be interested in their lives and not want to see them unahppy. They are so good and I am such an otaku ^_^; Besides, they have some nifty wall scrolls as prizes (ooooh wall scrolls). So I wrote KnM a nice email encouraging her and promptly sent the link on to the Vagrant Story ML I'm on.
Guess what? Within 24 hours KnM had eleven entries! Yeah! And she sent me a really nice email. Double Yeah! And Talya mentioned me in her blog. Triple YEAH! Now I don't know if my posting the link to the VS list was responsible, but it couldn't of hurt. So she's happy and will continue the contest. And I feel like I have accomplished something wonderful by halping another person out. It's such a nice warm feeling.
In other news, one of the grad students at NCSU discovered a dinosaur embryo inside of a fossilized egg. It's really rare find because 1) it's the only egg ever found preserved in marine sediments and 2) it's from the East coast where very little dinosaur fossil material exists and 3) it's a complete skeleton.Read the article for more details. Well, I know James Lamb and the graduate students at the University. So I was emailing one of them, and guess what? He said that next time I come over to the paleo lab, James will show me the fossilized egg under the microscope.
Some people get high off drugs. Others anime. Give me dirt, old bones, and a pick any day. Happy! Happy! Happy!
For the last few days I have been dispensing advice like there is no tomorrow. I think that most of my advice has done more good than harm. People keep telling me that I give good advice and that it helps them with their problems. So I'm happy. But what a lot of these people that don't realize that there's a secret to giving out good advice. The secret? Whenever I open my mouth to give advice I keep three things in mind.
It's not my life
Although it's hard, I always try to remember that it's not my life I'm messing with when I dispense advice. It's someone else's. If they take my advice, they have to live with the consequences. Not I. And since I like these people enough to want to help, I'm careful to make sure that i help and not hurt.
I will never know all the facts.
Which means that if someone says my advice won't work, I trust them to know more about the situation than me and don't pressure them. I can't know everything another person knows. Can't feel what they feel. Can't think like they think. All I can do is advise. And if my suggestion are vetoed in favor of something else, I can't let it get to me. Because more than likely there was a reason for them not to take my advice. And I will have to accept that.
If I won't follow my own advice, why the heck do I think I should give it out?
In other words, live by what you preach. Otherwise you have no business preaching it.
Shameless plug time! If you write yaoi for RPG games please consider entering
Tattered Streamers. They have lots of catergories and cool prizes if you win. And I think that lots of people should enter. Yeah!
Also, apologies to
Katyism for not adding her to my friends list sooner. I thought I had already put you on there. My mistake.