Mahna Mahna. (Doo doooo doo doo doo.)

Jan 15, 2006 15:00

Yesterday was wonderful, with a dash of t3h sux for spice.

I love criticalbob. He is sooooo sweet. ^^,<3 Had lots of fun with him yesterday, from snuggling to talking to going out, other stuff, together. *grrriiEEEnnn*


Kagome: Inuyasha, cut down that long-@ss post for me, will ya?
Inuyasha: Er, okay...
*whups Tessaiga out of his pants*


First criticalbob put up with me going anime anime anime and awwwwwwwwwwwww at the Nintendogs strategy guide (well, actually it's mostly a cute real-puppy picture book) at Best Buy. (Speaking of Nintendoggies: the official Nintendo Kennel Club forum. Whee!)

Meanwhile, he simultaneously established that whatever fighting game was on the demo PSP really blew big odious chunks, Morgan Webb & Adam Sessler style, as he fought and won two 20 second instant flawless victories...and spent the rest of about 5 minutes on LOADING!--LOADING some MORE--LOADING your fighter--LOADING your mother--LOADING your fighter's mother--LOADING your fighter's anus--LOADING your fighter's mother's anus (you get the idea, ne?) screens.

Then he put up even more with me seriously going blah blah blah performing a detailed literary analysis of the current epic Inuyasha fanfic (Dogs in Toyko --can't believe I hadn't gotten around to reading this one before) I've been reading whilst we ate. And said that I was the one putting up with HIM not listening properly when I thanked him for it. Seen the Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper "Mahna Mahna" Muppet-song commercial? (See video here.) He got kinda giggly at one point, when he actually lived it for a moment. More criticalbob hug hug hug hug hugs.


Speaking of blowing big odious chunks...that's the sucky part of last night. 'Cuz that's what I did--repeatedly--after we'd been back from dinner for a little while. I really enjoyed the food while I was eating it, but I don't know when/if I'm gonna want to go back to China Buffet again. Tho it was probably just one of the things I ate there that did it (maybe combined with the fact that I ate waaaay too much). My tummy is still empty from it, since I didn't really wanna eat anything after that.


october_eve came over and hung out with our boring arses for a while last night, too. She laughed a good bit while she was here, at least. ^_^ " She's still talking about getting a DS for herself--Nintendogs will be even so much more fun with her and a wi-fi adapter.


Oooh, and october_eve was almost finished catching up with the Inuyasha manga as of last night!! If she actually got to her goal last night after she left here, then she finally got caught up to the point visiting Ear-Tweak (I luff ewe Kuro-chan! ^._.^~), yay! (Nine years worth of chapters in just what, like a month or so, is pretty good, ne?)


criticalbob just brought me Taco Hell sustanence, yum! He's gonna go eat his with october_eve to keep her company a bit before she hasta go to work in a bit. Hi, october_eve! *waves* Well, onto the burrito, dear friends (and let loose the Inu-youkai of war). After that, gonna make an Inu mood icon for "hungry"...

Ja ne!


ear-tweak, fanfic, inuyasha, love, nintendogs

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