Word Count: 451
Genre: General, Humour
Ships?: None... YET.
Characters: Tracy. [Original Characters] Mr. Escargo-Express, Ms. Secretary, Lil' Vinny
→Mentions: Ness, Dad, Mom
Rating: G!
Spoilers: ...None?
Disclaimer: I do not own Earthbound or any related characters. This was written out of enjoyment of the series, and no profit is being made.
Notes: One of
kaiyabeck's birthday presents delivered a couple of days early. I was originally going to try and make it a big long one-shot, but then I realized a series of drabbles would be easier for me to write while still playing the games. :3
In which Tracy goes job-hunting.
Snail Mail
Introduction: Getting the Job
“How old did you say you were, again?”
“Ten, sir.”
The man sitting behind the desk had incredibly bushy eyebrows, Tracy couldn’t help noticing. She wiggled in her seat and straightened up, determined not to get distracted. You weren’t supposed to be distracted in job interviews.
The fuzzy-caterpillar-eyebrow man looked down at the little blonde girl. She smiled nervously.
He looked at her résumé again. It had been typed on a typewriter, and the ink was smudged in several places, leaving her little finger prints all over it.
“And… why do you want this job, Tracy?”
“My brother Ness-” Tracy clamped her mouth shut. What was the cover story she and mom and had come up with?
She glanced down at her lap, and twisted her arm so she could see the inside of her wrist. Her mom had written it in marker there. “My brother Ness and my dad are going on a… couning?… camping trip! For a real long time, and they always forget stuff. And I want to make sure they can get anything they forgot on time. Like their… toothpaste. And… yeah.”
Mr. Escargo-Express frowned. He didn’t have it in his heart to turn down a ten-year-old girl, especially not the sister of That Nice Boy Ness. He’d just have to let her down easy.
He opened his mouth to break the news gently when there was a knock at the doorway. Ms. Secretary, (as Tracy knew her in her head) stood there holding an inventory clip-board. “Sir, if I may have a word with you?” she said.
“Uh,” the Big Boss looked from her to Tracy then nodded, turning his swivel chair towards her.
Ms. Secretary walked over the plastic tiles of the office and bent to whisper in his ear. “Sir, we could use a phone operator. And even Lil’ Vinny thinks her voice is adorable. Our customers would love her!”
They looked back into the mail room beyond the open door. All the delivery men were craning their necks to see into the small office. One man in the back, his arms as wide as Tracy’s body and covered in tattoos, nodded once grimly when the Big Boss caught his eye.
“Well, Tracy, my decision is final.” Mr. Escargo-Express turned to her and held out a hand for her to shake. “You’re hired!”
Tracy’s eyes lit up and the smile that spread across her face stretched from ear to ear. She took his hand with both of hers and shook it fiercely. “Thank you thank you thank you so much!”
Ms. Secretary clasped her hands together and smiled. The mail room let out a loud cheer. Lil’ Vinny nodded once.
And Tracy’s misadventure began.
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