Word Count: 352
Genre: Introspective, Gen
Ships?: Mentioned Carl/Ellie.
→Friendships?: Russel&Carl, Russel&Dug
Characters: Russel, Carl Fredricksen, Dug
→Mentions: Ellie Fredricksen
Rating: G, but of course!
Spoilers: Only for the
theatrical trailer! 8D
Disclaimer: I do not own Up or any related characters. This was written out of enjoyment of the series, and no profit is being made.
Notes: Yeah, so I wrote fanfic for a movie that hasn't been released yet. How... taboo of me. Probably slightly AU. And Russell's probably written too young or something. I cannot wait to watch this and write cross-generational friend-ship fic dskjf;afa.
Russell, being eight, likes a lot of things.
Russell likes flying. He doesn’t know why his mom doesn’t. It’s sort of like being in an elevator without buttons. Even the kinda-queasy feeling of not having ground beneath your feet goes away eventually.
Flying in a house is a lot more fun than flying in a plane, even if he’s only been in one of those once. He has huge old couches to spread out on and a kitchen table where he eats crunchy peanut butter sandwiches. (He stopped feeding Dug his crusts when he realized the magic collar didn’t have a volume dial.)
He likes that their stitched-sheet wings spread from hollow shower curtain bones out open windows into the sky. It seems more natural a flight than any fancy plane ride his dad talks about. Balloons seem a million times safer than giant jet engines anyway.
He’s never had a dog before, so he can’t compare Dug to any other pets. But he likes that his fur is so soft and golden-brown. His constant smile and simple words remind him of… pancakes with maple syrup. Yeah, just like that! Only Dug is a lot easier and more fun to pet, without the stickiness and all.
He likes Mr. Fredricksen. He likes how his smile spreads all over his face and how he has a badge pinned on him too (though Mr. Fredricksen says it’s only a soda cap, and Russell doesn’t really quite know what a soda cap is, but don’t tell). He likes his silly laugh. He likes the way he wears a thick gold band around one finger, like his parents do, even though there is no Mrs. Fredricksen anymore.
He likes the way he tells stories most of all. Russell could sit for as long as he wanted with his chin in his hands, elbows on his knees, and not get bored. He likes that Mr. Fredricksen gets all happy and sad and remember-y all at once.
And sometimes, Russell liked it most of all when he wondered if this is what it was like to have a grandfather who didn’t die before you were born.
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