
Oct 05, 2009 18:06

Didn't have gym today, THANK GOD. I made the mistake of going for a run on Saturday and Sunday, and my calves feel like they're going to snap. I spent the whole morning sort of hobbling around the house with my coffee. Stretched, drank my water, but damn they still hurt. Walking to school actually seemed to help (three mile round trip so not too bad in this weather) then I twisted my ankle stepping in a pothole so... yeah. If I was a horse someone would have shot me by now.

Gym on Wednesday. Gym after two mile walk, too, then two miles back home. Good news is I study well while walking. Studied for my last bio exam while I did the track last week and managed a 58/60.

I've been listening to my iTunes more, and, wow, had not realized how much I missed Nickel Creek. For art I mostly listened to WPR. Putting my computer directly in the line of fire just wasn't happening. Wire shrapnel hurts and I'm mean enough to my Mac as it is. So mainly WPR and random TV marathons. I watched seven hours of MonsterQuest during plaster, I think? Seven hours. What did I learn? The coolest thing a motion sensor camera will ever film is a bunny, period. Two days isn't enough time to find your own ass, much less the Loch Ness monster. And old school stakeouts of dead cows are more entertaining than fuzzy videos and wandering around in the pouring rain will ever be.

Seriously, the police hiding in a tiny pup tent, spying on a decomposing cow for signs of El Chupacabra was sweet. Probably the only stakeout those people ever got to do and they just went for it.

(LOL. El Copacabana/Candelabra/Abracadabra... sometimes I <3 spell check's sense of humor.)

school, nickel creek

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