For those who do not know, my dream college was not NEIT. I wanted to do something better with my time and make something with my life right from the get go and let all this fade out behind me. But now I have to suck it up and deal with one of the shittiest schools in the state, why do you ask??
1) $$$$$$$$$$$$$
2) Jr. Year of High School
Oh yes my friends. Those are the only mistakes that are holding me back from at least a more decent college that I could have applied for. I can't stand this... at all. I was looking over what it would take if I went into Business. Holy Crap. There was nothing that I did not know how to do already. Guess what I get to learn?! I get to learn how to opperate a business with Excel and Acess and Word and Power Point. Gee wizz guy's looks like that Computer Apps course was an even bigger waste of time seeing as how I get to learn how to run a company off of Windows now!!
I just felt like there were no other options for me. My parents (mother especially) would not have me do CCRI and transfer out, or even apply to another college. It was just NEIT all the fucking way. I wanted options. I wanted a psych class and an art class. I wanted more than this shit.
I know that I won't love it there and that I won't make any friends because they all would be unattractive girls and straight men. Even the Interior Design major is shitty! You have to learn how to work with a computer and the programs on it and layout a design of a room. Now as time saving that may be and helpful it is to know. How many Interior Design companies actually use these machines??
I.... just... can't.... FUCK!!
***---End College Rant---***