Applying to the_leaky

Jan 01, 2010 15:29

Last updated: 02 October, 2005

We are generally willing to entertain applications, though at any given time we may not have particular roles open.

To apply, fill in the following and email it to the mods ( with subject line indicating it's an application.

LJ name (yours):
Name you go by:
Preferred email address:
Y!M username:

Age statement:


Character you are interested in playing:

Brief (2ish paragraph) description of the character as you see her or him (behavior and personality):

Brief physical description (this doesn't have a huge amount of bearing on casting. Just wanna see what you're considering):

Characters with whom you see this character interacting often, and nature of relationships (that is, you see a likely or possible romantic relationship with this character, a long-standing friendship with that one, a recent collegial relationship with that one, and a decade-long hate of so and so even though you interact):


Have you RP'ed before? List some examples of your RPing, if so.

Sample post of 300-500 words or so (this won't be part of the game, course, but just so we get a sense of how you might write this character. Remember: 3rd person, past tense):

Any other writing samples you think we oughtta see:

How active do you see your character being? (Threads once a week, every two weeks, once a month, etc.)

Give your character a dirty little secret. Something other game characters probably wouldn't know about.


-- The Mods of the_leaky
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