i've spoken to Bodge and Aphrodite about this scene... let's recap without the evil commercial break from hell:►Lilith is in Ruby, and does her white-light power thing at Sam.....
►the white power disspates; Sam's still there
►Sam's all O.o
►Lilith's all O.o
►Lilith leaves the host body, and it falls to the ground. (which should be dead, because Bobby shot it back in Sin City. thanks, whoever remembered and posted that!)
►Sam goes over to Dean.
Ruby brought up Sam's powers at the beginning of the episode. Eric said Sam's powers would make a re-appearance. if you have a gun on the mantlepiece in Act One, it should be used in Act Five (or something like that).
we saw in Jus In Bello that the white power kills everything in it's path.... so what happened?
Sam. his own inner power (whatever it really may be) repelled the white power. and that is why i think Lilith is so scared of Sam.
i once put forth a theory - based on a scifi show or movie that i had to have seen, or else where would i get this idea from? - that the demons, specifically the YED, was on earth as a human form/Avatar for Evil. his counterpoint, the human form/Avatar for Good was John; and earth was their battleground of Humans v. Demons.
but after this episode? i'm thinking the Avatar for Good is now SAM.
and the Demon War is coming. Eric said so himself.