
Oct 18, 2004 00:12

so, what is spirituality? what do all these personality tests have to do with it? and what's the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything?

best as i can understand, the middle two letters of the Myers-Briggs test are pretty much the characteristics of your spiritual path. i guess the plan is, you figure out your personality, you see the personalities of the various paths, and see if they mesh.

like i asked, am i looking for connections? no i don't think so. i think that's part of have your personality. i'm 34. i've had it for about 34 years. some online personality test isn't gonna make or break my personality! so yeah, these things are kinda cool when they line up.

ok, so i answered my second question first. the first question? i would have to say that spirituality is what keeps you going, the awe and wonder of it all.... your innermost thoughts about life, the universe, and everything. that spark of life. and who put it there. some people call it God. i don't have a name for it, but i do like what the minister at my fellowship calls it: Great Mystery. i'm sure other call it that too.

but one time, about 1989, i went on a trip that included a drive through the Blue Ridge Mountains. and it just took my breath away. i wrote a letter to a boyfriend at the time, explaining what i thought "God" was. circumstances that i won't go into here prevented me from getting that letter, or "defintion," if you will back. it wasn't until 1991 when i got round to writing it down again:

"There is no one divine being that I refer to as god, but at the same time, I do not have what I would call a "god" for things like rain, fertility, and the sun, and the other things that the Greeks and Romans had. I do not think I have a name or label of sorts I can put on what I call god.

God is what you see when you look outside your window and see the sun shining and the birds singing, when you look outside that same window and see it raining, or snowing.

God is what you see when you go for a drive and you see forests and wooded area; and streams and lakes and rivers; and mountains and hills and valleys; and deserts and green plains and islands and water. God is what you see when you see wild animals, or when you observe birds and squirrels from your window.

God is what you see when you reach out and help someone in need, when you show caring and compassion.

God is what you see when you walk along the beach, kicking the sand and the shells; when you go for a ride on a horse's back, carefree in the wind; when you watch a sunrise, when you share a sunset.

God is what you see then you look into the eyes of a newborn baby, and see the sparkle of a life just waiting to begin. God is what you see when you hold a tiny infant in your arms, when you hold your sibling's hand, when you caress a lover, when you hug your parents, when you hold your grandparents' hand, and when you put flowers on a loved one's grave.

God is what you see when you show passion towards someone you love, when you learn from someone you can trust, where there is someone who can trust you; when there is someone you can love, and when there is someone who can love you."

wicca, uu, spirituality, paganism

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