Internet goes on Strike - Tomorrow!

Jan 17, 2012 10:20

Stop American Censorship!

Strike Against SOPA & PIPA

English Wikipedia to go dark - Wiki Press Release
Help Stop SOPA/PIPA - WordPress Press Release

What the experts say

House takes Senate's bad Internet censorship bill, tries making it worse from arstechnica: Imagine a world in which any intellectual property holder can, without ever appearing before a judge or setting foot in a courtroom, shut down any website's online advertising programs and block access to credit card payments. The credit card processors and the advertising networks would be required to take quick action against the named website; only the filing of a “counter notification” by the website could get service restored. [...] The bill gives government lawyers the power to go to court and obtain an injunction against any foreign website based on a generally single-sided presentation to a judge. Once that happens, Internet providers have 5 days to “prevent access by its subscribers located within the United States to the foreign infringing site.”

SOPA Infographic

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." ~attributed to Voltaire by "Stephen G Tallentyre"


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