about a million years ago (ok, it was more like mid-March) there was this meme going around, "30 Days of Me... in Great Detail" and i asked people to pick a question from the list and i'd answer it. and then i got lazy. and then about a month ago i went to look for it, and completely zipped right past it. now that LJ's back and all, i thought i'd answer those questions that
betgirl, and
jendeana asked me all those moons ago...
cowboyangel asked me about
My favorite place:
~i'm not sure i have a favorite physical place... it's more like if my family (hubby and then girls) is there, that's my favourite place. when i was a kid, i liked my room, and i also liked the park across the street. but now it's more being with the girls, or hubby, or all three. so now it's on the living room couch watching a movie with the girls, at night with my husband... yeah, that's kinda... existential. (is that the right word?)
1_rhiannon_1 asked me about
Something that makes me feel better:
~a lot of things! maybe it's my younger daughter making my laugh, my older daughter telling me another crazy idea from her head, hubby saying something so off-the-wall, a bowl of ice cream, the cats doing something weird, or an email/text from a friend... a lot of things make me feel better. unless it's my allergies, then time and benedryl make me feel better.
betgirl asked me about
A first:
~a first what? the first time i went on a date with a guy? my first celebrity crush? the birth of my first daughter? the first time i saw my second daughter? my first fanfic? too many firsts, and since i SO can't choose, i choose not ot pick. =)
jendeana asked me about
My favorite memory:
~this is deliciously ironic, since i'm the one who has a well-known and well-documented case of Swiss Cheese Memory™. and my favorite memory today might be different from my favorite memory yesterday....
and now we see why i really couldn't actually do this meme.... LOL!