Mason tells the story of the guy he killed, which triggered the curse. and he cautioned Tyler that it's any death at his hands.... and i'll bet Tyler's breathing a sigh of relief that Caroline lived....
ooh, plotting another fake Stefan/Elena fight. huh.
Caroline's mom pretending to be a mom. heh.
Stefan's trying to offer Mason a truce. and threatens him in the next breath. well that's interesting. and... there's Damon. hee! i can has Damon?
heh, Mason asks Liz/the Sheriff about the Secret Council, and then tells her that Damon and Stefan are vamps. of course she can't believe it. Damon's her friend, he's on the council... but Mason wants to prove it. uh oh, that can't be good....
yeah, Damon knows that it's more that's bothering Liz than Caroline having a moment....
ooh! they used their code words! know what? i'm really liking this Stefan/Elena. she have have him, i'll take Damon. LOL
Tyler's pretty freaked out about the pics....and then confronts Jeremy. ok, one of the girls at the party - she looks like she was in one of the shows the girls watched on Disney. i'm drawing a blank right now....
Damon's on to Stefan and Elena's "fight," but what can Stefan tell Damon that Caroline won't overhear, or that Damon won't use against Stefan....
THAT wasn't just lemonade! and now Liz knows.... uh oh?
Damon and Stefan corner Mason, to take him out before Mason reveals them.... but it's too late...they get shot! eep!
Tyler confirms Jeremy's suspicions about the Lockwood Curse.
huh, Mason knows Caroline's a vamp immediately. that's interesting.
meanwhile, back in the slave quarters..... Liz is just a little trigger happy there....
wow, that's one way to let your mom know what you are.... heh.
Stefan's trying to fight drinking human blood so he'd heal himself faster. this whole scene just looks awkward - two dead deputies, a human sheriff, two vamps and Elena. heh.
Tyler's telling Jeremy about the moonstone, and that's why Mason came back. oh look, lets play with the rock and have Mason come home in the middle of all this and get pissy that Tyler had the stone all along. oops, falling down the stairs and not moving was an evil idea of a joke - that look of panic in both Tyler and Jeremy's faces....
"get some bunny in you?" ~ Caroline to Stefan. LOL!
damn, Liz doesn't want to see Caroline anymore, she's no longer he daughter.
and Stefan's after the human blood... looking longingly at it....he could drink a little every day and could learn to control himself. human blood is the only way Stefan will be strong enough to defeat Katherine. (*wonders* is it like that in the book? cause this seems awfully familiar....)
Caroline tells Elena all about Katherine, and Katherine wanting Caroline to spy on Elena.
Tyler hoped the girl died... because he wants to be furry once a month? and he gives Mason the moonstone. huh. so what's the real reason he wants it?
"that's the Damon who was my friend."
"Stefan didn't drink the people blood." i kinda giggled at that.
Elena thinks drinking human blood is worth it, otherwise she wouldn't have brought it up. and she offered her blood.
meanwhile, Mason goes out to the woods to meet... Katherine! aah... Katherine needs the moonstone. hmmm...... and the plot thickens....
is it October 21 yet? (next week is a rerun of 2x01, isn't it a little early for reruns?)