(no subject)

Jun 22, 2005 11:59

I had to work at the hospital from 8 to 4 yesterday, then at full moon from 430 to 9, so im tired and dont
feel like doing much of anything today except laying around and reading. I love these kind of days, with
absolutely nothing to do! It feels great....

People said it would go so fast
Before you know it you'll be here
Living life innocent just don't last
It get's harder every year

See yourself
in a place beyond today
Yeah the future can be scary
Just be wise to the games you play
Don't let your spirit get heavy

By the end, we'll be making history
We'll be writing fairy tails
We'll be stars in movies
By the end, we'll be raising families
Living off of memories
We'll be kings in castles
By the end

[In the morning I]: set my alarm to wake up chad bc his alarm clock won't wake him up anymore
[All I need is]: family, friends, chad, scruffy, anything important
[If I could be one place right now]: some place hott with all my fav people
[I'm afraid of]: falling in love and getting hurt
[I dream about]: casinos...thanks chad
Have you ever?
[Pictured your crush naked?]: Well since it asks, I just did.
[Been in love]: oh i am
[Cried when someone died: maybe once, noone very close to me has died (knockonwood)
[Lied]: unfortunately
[Coke or Pepsi]: It depends- coke if im cold, pepsi if im hot
[Flowers or candy]: candy
[Tall or short]: tall i guess..hm dont know
[What do you notice first of the opposite sex?]: age, face, then body
[Last person slow danced with]: chad in my driveway lol
[Makes you laugh the most?]: chad, ianni, jarod, ALISON, LAUREL, keith
[Gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: chad-good funny feeling and one other that is a bad feeling
[Has a crush on you?]: chad i assume, i hope, he better
[Easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: boys fo sho, they dont overanalyze everything

Do you ever...
[Sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to IM you?]: no def. not
[Save aol/aim conversations]: well only 3 times
[Save e-mails]: haha im a loser i save alll my emails, except junk mail
[Wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: no, i like having boobs
[Cried because of someone saying something to you]: yes and bc of things they didn't say
[Fallen for your best friend]: almost, could have, but horrible timing
[Used someone]: not even worth it
[Been cheated on]: yes & i think more times than i really know, but that doesnt matter
[Done something you regret]: YES and i will never ever forgive myself, i was stupid and made the biggest mistake of my life so far.

Who was the last person...
[You talked to]: chad
[You hugged]: ianni
[You instant messaged]: brice
[Laughed with]: mom, when she turned on the porn last night hahaha
[What's your favorite food?]: cauliflower with cheese, sounds gross but soo good
[What's your favorite fruit?]: grapes
[Drink alcohol?]: sometimes
[Like watching sunrises or sunsets]: sunsets, im not usually awake for sunrises except at the beach, but sunsets seam to mean so much more
[What hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional, physical stuff can heal, but emotional pain can scar forever and change everything about us
[Trust others way too easily?]: YES which adds to my emotional pain

Final Questions....
[I want]: to be successful
[I wish]: I had a lake house
[I love]: swimming and chad
[I miss]: how close everyone used to be
[I fear]: fallin in love and getting hurt
[I hear]: right now, my phone vibrating
[I wonder]: where everyone will be in 5 years
[How do you know it's love?]: It's being able to know you are loved by someone even if you are unable to see them and talk to them, knowing they are thinking of you just as much as you are, calling for no reason at all but to say i love you and miss you, the way you look at each other in the morning, and when anything goes wrong you call that person just bc you know that if you can hear their voice everything will be ok one day, thats love.

A-[Appetizer of Choice:] mozza sticks
B-[Best Friends:] alison, laurel, ianni, jarod, and keith
C-[Choice of Meat:] hmm
D-[Dream Date:] thowing bread to the fish, ducks, and turtles with chad
E-[Exciting Adventure:] trying to go to troy and ending up in greenville lol
F-[Favorite Song:] jump on it lol
G-[Greatest Accomplishment:] passing spanish
I-[Interesting Fact: my boyfriend is sexy
J-[Just Say No to:] drugs, well at least most of them
K-[Kool-Aid:] bluee
L-[Location:] lake
M-[Marriage:] not yett, hopefully not for a while
N-[Name:] Paige
O-[Obsession:] butter pecan low carb ice cream bars
P-[Pizza toppings:] veggie!
Q-[Question Asked to you the most:] How are you?
R-[Real love:] yes :)
S-[Sex:] hmm i dont get the question..F
T-[Television Show:] THE OC, andy griffith show lol, fresh prince, price is right, and matlock
U-[Underwear:] victoria secret def. has the softest undies
V-[Video:] The Prince an Me right now, Lord of the Rings, Sweet Home Alabama
W-[Winter:] fireplaces and coffee and snuggling
X-[X-ray:] cold
Y-[Year born:] 1987
Z-[Zodiac sign:] scorpio

Kings in Castles
[Verse 1]
People said it would go so fast
Before you know it you'll
be here
Living life innocent just don't last
It get's harder every

See yourself in a place beyond today
Yeah the future can be
Just be wise to the games you play
Don't let your spirit get

By the end, we'll be making history
We'll be
writing fairy tails
We'll be stars in movies
By the end, we'll be raising
Living off of memories
We'll be kings in castles
By the

[Verse 2]
Having fun was the only rule (It's all about the
Yeah, there was nothing in the way
Being left out or being uncool
(Won't catch me)
Was the hardest game to play
People said very soon your
games would end
If you grow up like you should
Because in this life you
have to fend
For yourself like no one else

By the end, we'll be making history
We'll be
writing fairy tails
We'll be stars in movies
By the end, we'll be raising
Living off of memories
We'll be kings in castles
By the

[Verse 3]
We'll be the heros
Oh, say can you see those
bright, shining stars
Can you see those bright shining stars

We'll be
making history
We'll be writing fairy tails
We'll be stars in movies
the end, we'll be raising families
Living off of memories
We'll be kings
in castles
By the end

By the end, we'll be making
We'll be writing fairy tails
We'll be stars in movies
By the
end, we'll be raising families
Living off of memories
We'll be kings in
By the end
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